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Create a research vessel list #36

Open enriquetuya opened 7 years ago

enriquetuya commented 7 years ago

We have found out that there are some research vessels on the known and likely fishing vessel list ( One example is the Arc Gorgona MMSI 730000154.

We need to make sure we create a Research Vessel list so we can add that as a type of the vessel.

enriquetuya commented 7 years ago

Based on @Bjorn-skytruth suggestion we should make a sepparate research vessel list to have more control over this.

Bjorn-skytruth commented 7 years ago

@enriquetuya @pwoods25443 Two research vessels are listed here. Both vessels identify as fishing on AIS and were likely doing research that involved deploying fishing gear. Do we want to simply remove all research vessels, even those fishing? Or should we somehow try and flag those doing fishery research so users will not be concerned by their presence in MPAs for instance.

Bjorn-skytruth commented 7 years ago

@enriquetuya The list of research vessels here could not be used easily for matching to mmsi. What I need is a list with all identifiers (specifically name, callsign, imo, and flag). I see callsign in the link for each specific vessel but not IMO. So it might be best to try and manually identify the set of research vessels that are making it into GFW, most likely because they are doing fishery research.

bitsofbits commented 7 years ago

@Bjorn-skytruth : If it's easy to separate out fishery_research and other research vessels while doing the matching, we might as well generate two lists and we can decide whether to remove them all or just flag the fishery-research vessels later. If it's not easy, then I don' t have an opinion one way or another...

Bjorn-skytruth commented 7 years ago

@bitsofbits Yes I think it makes sense to identify fishery-research vessels specifically though currently the only way I know to approach this is to match vessels individually which is very time consuming.

enriquetuya commented 7 years ago

I've sent an email to the European RV infobase contact email to see if we can get a list with MMSIs and last update date.


davidkroodsma commented 7 years ago

I realize that I should reach out to this group, as they wrote us a while ago about becoming a collaborator. I am assigning this to myself.

davidkroodsma commented 7 years ago

@KristinaBoerder @Bjorn-skytruth I scraped the Wikipedia article with a list of research vessels:

someone could go through this and get the mmsi numbers.

@Bjorn-skytruth -- what is our goal with getting a research vessel list?

Bjorn-skytruth commented 7 years ago

@davidkroodsma I think our main goal is to identify the mmsi numbers of research vessels so that we are able to filter them out of GFW or possibly flag them in the case of a number of fishery research vessels. I believe we do want to include all vessels which are using fishing gear even for research but we want to identify them so that users will have an explanation for their unusual tracks or activity in MPAs.

davidkroodsma commented 7 years ago

@Bjorn-skytruth Great -- thanks.

@KristinaBoerder has put a student on it (10 more points for Kristina!)

enriquetuya commented 7 years ago

@davidkroodsma what Bjorn says is correct, the main goal here is to be able to display on the type field that the vessels are research ones. We have received multiple inqueries from users saying reserach vessels were doing some suspicious activity on MPAs.

I think the next step after having this list is to have a way of including the type on the pipeline so we process that information.

davidkroodsma commented 7 years ago

Research Vessels MMSI_identified.xlsx

@enriquetuya here is a list pulled together by Kristina's students. We need to send a Global Fishing Watch t-shirt for this.

The student made this list by Googling every vessel on this list:

I have uploaded all vessels that have an mmsi number here to bigquery. You can find it in scratch_david_mmsi_lists.research_vessels

To see how many of these vessels are on our fishing lists:

select a.mmsi mmsi, b.vessel_name vessel_name, country, b.notes notes 
[world-fishing-827:scratch_david_mmsi_lists.500_cutoff_2016] group by mmsi) a
inner join
(select mmsi, country, notes, vessel_name, from [scratch_david_mmsi_lists.research_vessels]) b
on a.mmsi = b.mmsi
order by country

and the results of this query are here:

@enriquetuya do we need anything else? Close issue?

enriquetuya commented 7 years ago

@davidkroodsma besides the query mentioned above, have we included a list of research vessels in the repo?

davidkroodsma commented 7 years ago

@enriquetuya no -- this is everything we have here. I imagine there are others we could add, but this is all we have right now.

davidkroodsma commented 7 years ago

any objection to closing this?