GlobalFishingWatch / treniformis

Apache License 2.0
5 stars 6 forks source link


Global Fishing Watch vessel lists. Very alpha.

.. image:: :target:


.. code-block:: python

import treniformis
with treniformis.get_annual_list('GFW/FISHING_MMSI/KNOWN_AND_LIKELY/2016') as f:
  for mmsi in f:
    print mmsi


.. code-block:: console

$ git clone
$ cd treniformis
$ virtualenv venv
$ source venv/bin/activate
$ pip install -e .\[all\]
$ py.test --cov treniformis --cov-report term-missing


Likely Fishing

Generated from a query of vessels identifying themselves as fishing in the
``shiptype_text`` field in the vessel identity messages in the type 5 and type
24 AIS messages. Details of the query can be found in Benthos #397. In the next
round we will filter out some additional "unknown" vessel types and probably
drop the threshold to include some vessels that almost always identify
themselves as fishing.

Known Fishing

Based on public fishing registry records <>_.

Combined Fishing

Produced by combining likely and known fishing lists and then removing sets of
known non-fishing vessels (fish carriers, fishspotting helicopters, research
vessels) along with short mmsi's (less than 5 digits)  and mmsi's that will
likely have a large number of spoofing vessels (111111111). See Benthos #397.

Vessel Classes

* Longliner
* Pots and traps
* Purse seiner
* Squid vessel
* Trawler
* Cargo/Tanker
* Motorized Yacht/Pleasure Craft
* Research/Survey
* Seismic vessel
* Passenger vessel: ferries
* Sail boat
* Work vessel: tug, pilot, supply, dredgers, military, patrol


See `LICENSE.txt <LICENSE.txt>`_