GlobalNamesArchitecture / gni

Global Names Index
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Global Names Index v.2

Indexes occurances of biological scientific names in the world, normalizes and reconsiles lexical and taxonomic variants of the name strings.

Citing for Global Names Index v1


Citing for Global Names Index v2 (Global Names Resolver)




bundle install


rake db:drop:all
rake db:create:all
rake db:migrate
rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=test
rake db:seed
rake db:seed RAILS_ENV=test
rake solr:start ( or rake solr:run in a separate terminal window)
rake solr:build

Also see .travis.yml org as an example

Working with seed data

Use rake "db:seed RAILS_ENV=your_env" to populate tables in development, test and production environments. Different environments differ in how and which tables are populated. To add more data for testing/development purposes use

rake db:addnames

the command reads data from spec/files/addnames.csv to add more records to the system.

Resolver worker

RAILS_ENV=production RAKE_ENV=production QUEUE=name_resolver rake resque:work

Assets precompiling

bundle exec rake assets:precompile

Rebuilding canonical names index for production

from the machine with solr go to gni dir and run

rake db:solr:build RAILS_ENV=production


Authors: Dmitry Mozzherin, David Shorthouse

Copyright (c) 2012-2013 Marine Biological Laboratory. See LICENSE.txt for further details.