GlobalQuran / data

This repository is setup to easily manage Global Quran text data with repository, which is linked with GQ backend.
Apache License 2.0
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Global Quran Data Repository

This repository is setup to easily manage Global Quran text data with repository, which is linked with GQ backend.

Anything added here, will be pushed to Global Quran api instantly with any changes made.

Adding New File

If you are adding new file, please use language code with concatinated (.) with author name in lower case.

File must have

Quran Parameters

Following is Quran parameters, which should be written inside .txt file after 6237 lines.

Name Requried Description
ID Yes quran id to use, it should start with language code and concatinated with period (.) then name of translator without any space
Language Yes lanuage is it in
Name Yes English name of the translator
Translator Yes Name in native language
Source Yes Source for this data, if its from different website, then just give
Type No default value is translation, Values are translation or quran - changing this wont update value in backend
version No Which version of our application supports this data, sometime it needs special function to parse it, which needs to be added in functionality
default No value of Yes or No, If one language has more then 1 data set, then this value can come useful for selection which one should be default selction for user
status No default value is active, This can have active, blocked,incomplete and draft

Following is the example on how it should look like in the end of the data file


#  Quran Translation
#  Name: Arberry
#  Translator: A. J. Arberry
#  Language: English
#  ID: en.arberry
#  Last Update: March 3, 2011
#  Source: