GlobalTradingTechnologies / ad-poller

Active Directory Change Poller based on USNChanged attribute
MIT License
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active-directory ldap poller synchronization

Active Directory Change Poller

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This package is PHP implementation of algorithm of polling for changes in Active Directory servers using uSNChanged attribute with additional features allowing custom adjustments for Active Directory fetching processes and changesets handling.

The main usage purpose is to keep you application in sync with Active Directory structure.


The core concept is to constantly poll Active Directory server and perform incremental fetch to obtain changesets using uSNChanged attribute as an offset. Each poll task run is persisted in database to save the offset and fetch statistics. In case of Active Directory controller swap, server failures or initial run algorithm performs full fetch to obtain the fullset. Received data is subject to deliver to the target application to be handled.

The component consists of three main parts: poller, fetcher and synchronizer.


This is a heart of the library and base implementation of original polling algorithm. Uses fetcher to interact with Active Directory Server in order to fetch changesets and synchronizer to process obtained changesets.

See Poller implementation for details.


This part is responsible to interact with Active Directory. Allows poller to fetch neccessary metadata from Active Directory and search changesets using zendframework/zend-ldap.

See LdapFetcher implementation for details.


Synchronizer is about handling datasets received during polling process. Base implementation uses symfony/event-dispatcher to publish changesets/fullset as an Events. For incremental sync there is a IncrementalSyncEvent, for full sync - FullSyncEvent.

See EventSynchronizer implementation for details.

Component provides SynchronizerInterface which allows implementation of your own synchronizer for custom aims.

Setup and usage

Package installation

To install the package use composer:

composer require gtt/ad-poller

Database setup

It is possible to generate schema using doctrine console utils. You can clone the repository from scratch, adjust cli-config.php with credentials to your test database and generate init sql:

composer install && php ./vendor/bin/doctrine orm:schema-tool:create --dump-sql

Application setup

Create poller:

// configure ldap connector
$ldapConnector = new Ldap(
    // Connector options. @see for details
        'host' => '',
        'username' => '',
        'password' => 'secret',
        'accountDomainName' => '',
        'baseDn' => 'DC=myorg,DC=com'

// configure ldap fetcher
$ldapFetcher = new \Gtt\ADPoller\Fetch\LdapFetcher(
    // Optional ldap filter describes entries to fetch during full sync
    // Optional ldap filter describes entries to fetch during incremental sync.
    // It can differ from the previous one if you want track deactivatation of entities
    // (during full sync you need only active, but here - not)
    // Optional ldap filter describes deleted entries to fetch during incremental sync
    // list of properties to be fetched
    ['cn', 'displayname','telephonenumber', 'description']
// you also can specify additional ldap search options here if you need, for example:
$ldapFetcher->setLdapSearchOptions(LDAP_OPT_SERVER_CONTROLS, [['oid' => '1.2.840.113556.1.4.529']]);

// configure entity manager to persist poll tasks
$em = \Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager::create($conn, $config);

// configure synchronizer (use your own SynchronizerInterface implementation if needed)
$sync = new \Gtt\ADPoller\Sync\Events\EventSynchronizer(new \Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcher());

// configure Poller itself
$poller = new Poller(
    // optionaly you can tell poller to fetch deleted entries
    // @see for details 
    // optional poller name - use it if you have different pollers

You also can create as many pollers as you want with different settings depending on your needs.

Now you can poll Active Directory permanently (normally using crontab) runing something like this:


There is also console command that represents convenient way to run pollers with pretty output and additional options if you use use symfony/console:

// bin/console (do not forget #!/usr/bin/env php at very first line)
// create poller collection
$pollerCollection = new \Gtt\ADPoller\PollerCollection();
// Add poller to collection:
// create application and command
$application = new \Symfony\Component\Console\Application();
$application->add(new \Gtt\ADPoller\Command\PollCommand($pollerCollection));

And put into crontab command to run all pollers:

php bin/console gtt:pollers:run

or concrete one:

php bin/console gtt:pollers:run --poller=mypoller

Framework integration

There is a gtt/ad-poller-bundle which integrates component in Symfony2+ ecosystem


To run library test suite just clone the repository and execute the following inside:

composer install && ./vendor/bin/phpunit