Globox1997 / RpgDifficulty
MIT License
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RpgDifficulty is a mod which strengthens mobs over time and distance.


RpgDifficulty is a mod built for the Fabric Loader. It requires Fabric API and Cloth Config API to be installed separately; all other dependencies are installed with the mod.


RpgDifficulty is licensed under MIT.



For settings specific to a dimension a datapack is required. If you don't know how to create a datapack check out Data Pack Wiki website and try to create your first one for the vanilla game.\ If you know how to create one, the folder path has to be data\rpgdifficulty\difficulty\YOURFILE.json\ Boss modificators will get used for all mobs which are in the common entity types boss tag. (Called c:bosses)\ If the mod is used on a server, turning the timeFactor to 0 is recommended.

Settings which can get modified are:

An example can be found below:

    "dimension": "minecraft:the_nether",
    "increasingDistance": 300,
    "distanceFactor": 0.1,
    "increasingTime": 60,
    "timeFactor": 0.05,
    "heightDistance": 30,
    "heightFactor": 0.1,
    "maxFactorHealth": 3.0,
    "maxFactorDamage": 3.0,
    "maxFactorProtection": 1.5,
    "maxFactorSpeed": 2.0,
    "startingFactor": 1.0,
    "startingDistance": 0,
    "startingTime": 0,
    "startingHeight": 62,
    "positiveHeightIncreasion": true,
    "negativeHeightIncreasion": true