JS version of films-py for easy to use UI
What is the site:
The site was created to get some practice with API's, and async JavaScript.
The aim of the site is to select a random few films based on certain user requirements, from a users own collated list.
User Journey:
- On first use of site, a user will have to authenticate the use of their TMDB account for access to a users personal film list.
- After authentication or if the user has authenticated before, the user will then be able to click a button to upload their own TMDB watchlist.
- User selects requirements from a form, consisting of all available genres and langauges, as well as choosing the number of films they want returned to them.
- User recieves an output of movie posters based on their requirements.
- If user clicks on a poster it will come up with an overlay for the Name of the film with a synopsis, as well as some further details such as director, and where it's streaming.
"This product uses the TMDB API but is not endorsed or certified by TMDB."