Java Enterprise Team Project | Madison College • Fall Semester 2024
Campus Co-Ride is a ride-sharing app designed to build community and help eliminate transportation insecurity or related setbacks-- making commuting to campus easier, safer and more affordable.
Transportation security plays a significant role in aiding students towards success. For those considering becoming a student, transportation can be the 'make-or-break' factor when deciding which course of action to take. No one should be held back from following their goals due to lacking access to a basic necessity in today's society.
Signing up is easy and requires valid EDU credentials. In just a few steps students can start connecting by requesting, offering or exchanging ride services.
Molly wants to head to the other side of campus but doesn't have transportation. Campus Co-Ride connects her with other students after filling out if they are a Rider or a Driver, date, time, and location. Once they connect with a Driver or a Rider, the will be on their way!
Check slack as frequently as you can
Try to help as much as you can
Positive attitude!