Gnurou / v4l2r

Rust bindings for V4L2
MIT License
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linux rust v4l2 v4l2-m2m

Rust bindings for V4L2

LICENSE Build Status dependency status Documentation

This is a work-in-progress library to implement safe Rust bindings and high-level interfaces for V4L2.

Currently the following is implemented:

The library provides several levels of abstraction over V4L2:

Dependencies shall be kept to a minimum: this library talks directly to the kernel using ioctls, and only depends on a few small, well-established crates.

Project Layout

lib contains the Rust library (v4l2r), including the thin ioctl abstraction, the more usable device abstraction, and task-specific modules for e.g. video decoding and encoding.

ffi contains the C FFI (v4l2r-ffi) which is currently exposed as a static library other projects can link against. A v4l2r.h header file with the public API is generated upon build.

Build options

cargo build will attempt to generate the V4L2 bindings from /usr/include/linux/videodev2.h by default. The V4L2R_VIDEODEV2_H_PATH environment variable can be set to a different location that contains a videodev2.h file if you need to generate the bindings from a different location.

How to use

Check lib/examples/vicodec_test/ for a short example of how to use the device-level interface, or lib/examples/vicodec_test/ for the same example using the lower-level ioctl API. Both examples encode generated frames into the FWHT format using the vicodec kernel driver (which must be inserted beforehand, using e.g. modprobe vicodec multiplanar=1).

You can try these examples with

cargo run --example vicodec_test -- /dev/video0

for running the device API example, or

cargo run --example vicodec_test -- /dev/video0 --use_ioctl

for the ioctl example, assuming /dev/video0 is the path to the vicodec encoder.

lib/examples/fwht_encoder contains another example program implementing a higher-level vicodec encoder running in its own thread. It can be run as follows:

cargo run --example fwht_encoder -- /dev/video0 --stop_after 20 --save test_encoder.fwht

This invocation will encode 20 generated frames and save the resulting stream in test_encoder.fwht. Pass --help to the program for further options.

lib/examples/simple_decoder is a decoder example able to decode the streams produced by the fwht_encoder example above, as well as simple Annex-B H.264 streams. For instance, to decode the FWHT stream we just created above:

cargo run --example simple_decoder -- test_encoder.fwht /dev/video1 --save test_decoder.bgr

test_decoder.bgr can be checked with e.g. YUView. The format will be 640x480 BGR, as reported by the decoding program.

Finally, ffi/examples/c_fwht_decode/ contains a C program demonstrating how to use the C FFI to decode a FWHT stream. See the Makefile in that directory for build and use instructions. The program is purely for demonstration purposes of the C FII: it is hardcoded to decode the sample.fwht file in the same directory and doesn't support any other output.

Using in Android

Android.bp files are provided that should work on AOSP >= 15. Just check this repository into external/rust/crates/v4l2r and the libv4l2r library target will be available.