GoMexSI / gomexsi-web

Explore Species Interactions in Gulf of Mexico with the GoMexSI webapp
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GoMexSI at Texas A&M Corpus Christi

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Request handling

Running tests

In order to make sure that our backend php connector is working as expecting, we're using travis-cli.org and phpunit.

Unit tests live in the Tests/ directory. To run test on the commandline execute phpunit in the gomexsi root folder.

In addition to being able to run this on the commandline, travis-cli.org also runs the tests on each and every git commit.

Example output:

jorrit$ phpunit 
Configuration read from /Volumes/Data/Users/jorrit/dev/gomexsi/phpunit.xml


Time: 10 seconds, Memory: 7.00Mb

OK (23 tests, 85 assertions)


A wordpress site consists of two parts: (1) a mysql database and (2) a bunch of files. A backup needs to capture a dump of the mysql database and create an archive of the files. With this dump and archive, the wordpress site can be restore on the same server or migrated to a new server. Please visit official wordpress documentation for details on the procedure.

An example backup script (linux) can be found at ./backup.sh.