GoOz / wfrp-sheet

Online character sheet for Warhammer Fantasy Role Play TTRPG
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Warhammer Fantasy RolePlay (4th edition) sheet

An online tool to help you manage your Warhammer Fantasy Role Play game's character sheet


Page 1

First page of the app

Page 2

Second page of the app

Settings modal

Settings modal of the app

See for yourself

App's presentation

No Ads, no tracker and no data storage on a server, whether it's personal data or not.

All your data is stored on your localStorage, meaning it stays in your browser's storage, on your computer.

It comes with several features to make your life easier.

App's features


Personal infos section

Characteristics section

Points section

Movement section

Basic skills

Custom skills

Talents section

Ambitions section

Party section

Armour section

Trappings section

Weapons section

Encumbrance section

Armour points section

Wounds section

Wealth section

Psychology section

Corruption section

Spells & prayers section


As specified before, this app relies on LocalStorage.

There’s no specificity on how or how long a browser should retain data stored in its localstorage so not every browser does the same.

If you’re using any blink-based (Chrome, Edge, Brave, Vivaldi, etc) or Gecko-based (Firefox) browsers, you should be fine as they only empty the data if they run out of space. As a fail safe though the app asks for a permission to make the data persistent, meaning it allows the browsers to keep your data even if they run out of space.

Surprisingly enough only Firefox is actually asking the user for the permission to do so.

In any case, you don’t have to accept, it should ensures the longevity of your local data but you would still be able to store data locally if you deny the permission.

As for Safari, any local data on a website not visited within 7 days will be trashed. On iOS, it should not be the case if you add the website on your homescreen though, as if it was an app.

In any case, I strongly suggest everyone using this app to do some backup export of your data every once in a while, and maybe every time you end your session if you’re using Safari.

To do so, you can open the Settings modal by clicking on the gear icon button in the top right corner of the app. In the modal you will be able to download your data by clickin the button. Just below that button, you’ll see the mean to upload your saved data.

Any lost data will be lost forever, it’s your responsability.

Highlight skills

By hovering a row or focusing in a field in a row on a skill table you’ll see an important (!) icon button appear. By clicking this button you’ll highlight this skill so you can know right away which skill depends on your career and should be increased to evolve in your career path. Clicking this button on an already highlighted skill will remove the highlight.


There's no plan for adding other languages than english and french mostly because those are the only two I can read and write well enough.

That being said, if needed and if provided by a Pull Request, I could add new languages without a problem, the translation system is here and waiting new ones.

For Developers

If you want to modify this app for your own copy or to make a pull request later you'll mostly need Node.js and a code editor.

  1. Clone, fork or download the repo or whatever
  2. Run npm ci to download & install dependencies. This app runs on 11ty and some plugins but that's pretty much it.
  3. Do your thing.
  4. Run npm run serve to start the local server and see your changes in your browser
  5. Profit 🎲

Pull requests and Issues are obviously welcome.

That's cool, now show me what it looks like