GoaFan77 / Enhanced4XModRepo

Repository for the latest version of the Enhanced 4X Mod.
4 stars 4 forks source link

-- Enhanced 4X Mod By GoaFan77 --

-- Table of Context --

  1. About
  2. Installation
  3. Feature List
  4. Other Links
  5. Credits
  6. Changelog

  1. About

Sins of a Solar Empire is often described as a 4XRTS game, or a game that tried to merge the action and tactics packed gameplay of a Real time strategy game with the deep, complex, empire wide strategy of a 4X turn based game. Its up to debate whether Sins succeeded in this goal, but I think all can agree that of the 4Xs of "explore, expand, exploit, and exterminate", Sins is much more focused on the exterminate than on the other three.

This mod seeks to give more depth to the other 3Xs of the game by adding additional game elements or refining the existing ones to reward players who give more strategic thought to the non-combat side of the game. Combat will still be the center point of the game, but players will find that the non-combat options available will be much more rewarding and will need to put more thought into developing their economies. This mod will also attempt to address some other weaknesses of Vanilla Sins where possible, such as increasing race diversity or improving the AI.

Recommendation: Due to higher than average income levels with this mod, you may want to reduce your income level setting by one when using it.

  1. Installation

  2. Put the mods ".zip" file you download in your current Rebellion mod folder. See http://forums.sinsofasolarempire.com/418631/get;3092772 for more information.

  3. Extract the .zip file in the mod folder. You should get a new folder called "Enhanced 4X Mod vX.X".

  4. Start the game and go to the main menu. Go to the mods tab, and select the main mod, "Enhanced 4X Mod vX.X", and enable it.

  5. If you downloaded the optional add ons, see "http://www.moddb.com/mods/enhanced-4x-mod/forum/thread/enhanced-4x-optional-minimods-info" for the proper order to enable them.

  6. Hit the Apply Changes button.

  1. Tips and features

See "http://www.moddb.com/mods/enhanced-4x-mod/forum/thread/enhanced-4x-mod-beginners-guide" for a list of major features and how to use them.

  1. Other Links

Help/Feedback/Future Information - http://forums.sinsofasolarempire.com/414639

  1. Credits


The opening track is by Jaja (http://www.ektoplazm.com/free-music/jaja-oum). I do not claim to own any rights for this track and am using it for noncommercial use. If you don't like it just delete the RebellionTheme.ogg file in the sound folder to return it to normal.


Sinperium - For making the phase probe mesh and good feedback. ZombieRus5 - For getting channeling abilities to work correctly (after we ironed out a few bugs) and for his many hours of "experimental" modding that lead the rest of us realizing more things are possible than we thought. Axel Dude - For letting the community use his excellent planet textures even before he released a mod with them (his mod is now available here). BigBantha - For contributing code fixes, new/updated GUI icons, and cleaning up spelling and grammar errors in the English text file. Genocyber - For his great looking Repair Drone model! IskatuMesk - For his awesome library of sound effects released to the community, a few of which are included in this mod. Big Bantha - Excellent help proofing reading strings, polishing icons, and finding bugs. Seleucia - For his thoughtful analysis and for allowing me to use some of his rebalanced abilities. Ue_Carbon - Intelligent Feedback and for letting us use his teamspeak. SZ0 - For letting his meshes be used by the community. 5th Horsemen - Very useful feedback. In_dy - Detailed bug reports. Axxo2 - Great Sins fan artist, some of his work is included in the mod.


Maelstrom - Awesome new planet module and strikecraft meshes. Infinite Space - Axel's fantastic planet mod. Uzi's Sins Plus - Several planet textures and bonuses have been incorporated from it. Project Equilibrium - For an awesome set of fun balance changes.

  1. Partial Changelog

--- Diplomacy---

v1.0 - Release version. See http://forums.sinsofasolarempire.com/414639 for a full list of features.

v1.1 - Diplomacy overhaul (Embassies, espionage, some rebalanced envoy abilities)

v1.2 - Many adjustments to ship abilities, most are just stat changes, but new effects are listed below.

1.3 - New Hero unit system. Each faction has 3 hero capitalships that can be called in after researching specific common technologies. You can only control 1 of each hero at a time, are are spawned from a new Command Center structure at your home world (Thanks to the Maelstrom mod for module meshes).


1.4 - Enhanced 4X Updated for Rebellion!

1.45 - Compatibility with Rebellion version 1.04!

1.49 -Added the Hero Units and the new Rebellion Capitalships to the GalaxyScenarioDef file, allowing you to use them in Galaxy Forge. -Completed the first phase of incorporating Axel Dude's Infinite Space mod, including 6 new skyboxes (some originally from Sacrifice of Angels 2 Mod) and more realistic stars, as well as improved planet shaders. -Asteroids, Asteroid Belts, and space junks now have the intended mine limit of 10, and pirate bases 15. -All defense turrets range increased to 9000. -Changed Pirate Mercinaries ability so that you can now spawn them at any owned planet. Also prevents this ability from being used by defeated players (at least those without planets). -Scientist Vasul's Seed Fighters ability now does 40/50/60 damage to nearby fighters while one of them is killed. -Kol's flak burst damage increased to 60/75/90/105. -Halcyon's Telekentic push damage increased to 40/50/60/70. -Reduced the starting culture spread from the Advent Loyalist homeworld to be equal to 1 normal culture center (from 1.5). -Default nonFair maps now have a chance to find planet bonuses of 65%, from 60%. Fair maps will of course still have 0%, though you may still get bonuses and artifacts from random encounters.

1.5 -Added the new Capitalship and Titan upgrade system! After research the tier 5 tech, your factories can now enhance the abilities of your caps and titan, for a cost. -Frigate factories can now heal ships and structures, but will stop construction on new frigates. -Integrated most of the Infinite Space mod planets into the existing planet system, with some changes. -Swamp planets have been converted into a Swamp/Forest planet catagory, a tier 1 planet with 3 metal extractors. -Cryo planets have been switched to tier 0, now have 4 crystal asteroids. -Igneous planets have been renamed to "Inhospitable" planets, but have identical stats. -New planet: Agricultural. A high population Tier 1 planet, it has few resources but can boost the population and growth rates of all planets that send trade ships to it. -New planet: Hydrocarbon. Another tier 1 planet, it will always have a trade boosting planet bonus. -33 of Axeldude's artifacts have been added, with minor changes to either diversify them or scale them better. -Default maps now have a 70% chance to find a planet bonus on each planet. -Green stars have been removed, and White Stars and Orange Stars added. -Hero units now cost 50 fleet supply and 1 command point like normal capitalships. However, there is a new tech, "Heroic Valor", that gives +150 supply and +3 command, so your max fleet size is no smaller than before. -The summon hero abilities will also not work unless you have the available command and fleet supply available, so they should no longer "misfire" or let you get negative command. -Competitive maps should now be mostly working as intended. If you see anything wrong with them (random encounters, artifacts, random planet bonuses) let me know. -Phase Jump Inhibitors now affect every target in the gravity well, instead of having a set range. -Advent Loyalists starting home world culture spread reduced by 25%. -Antimodule frigates now use heavy armor (countered by light frigates) instead of light armor. -All the subfactions have been renamed to get rid of the annoying Rebels/Loyalists designation. -The faction name is now displayed in the diplomacy details window, instead of merely "Rebels" and "Loyalists".

1.501 Hotfix -Fixed a crash that would occur when Commander Deyrenov used his "Maruad" ability. -TEC Loyalist planetary defenses range for missiles/Gauss/nuclear weapons increased to 12000/15000/18000. -Ascended Advent's Eternal Illumination research now buffs all laser, beam, plasma weapons by 15%, from 10%.

1.6 -Updated E4X for Sins of a Solar Empire Rebellion 1.5. Implemented most of its changes. -TEC (Loyalist) Update -New Tech: Blast Resistant Armor, increases armor (more for defensive structures) while increasing mass. -TEC now start with a special starbase constructor on their homeworld that can build a free starbase with a max of 10 upgrades without research. This constructor may not phase jump. -Planetary Defense access tech moved to a teir 3 research, with a prerequisite of Highly Conductive Rails. -Planets with some sort of planetary weapon active now have a new particle effect above them. -The Ankylon titan's beam weapons can now fire in all direction. Damage values rearranged a bit, resulting in slightly higher total DPS. -The Ankylon titan is now 10% bigger (cosmetic change only). -TEC corvettes now have a chance to debuff the range of the enemy's weapons, instead of damaging the engines. -New Pirate Smuggler Random Encounter. Chance for a captureable pirate smuggling outpost and escorts to spawn at uncolonizeable gravity wells. -Pirate bases now also have a captureable trading outpost as well. -First of the new "Boss Fight" random encounters, the Cyber Fortress, added. A rare, powerful new planet type with defenses strong enough to repel medium sized fleets and a titan. -New optional minimod, Expanded Research. Doubles the number of research levels of most stat increasing research. -Vasari factions can now colonize volcanic and inhospitable planets without research. -Trader factions can colonize Ocenaic and Swamp planets without research, Oceanic population upgrades now affect Swamps and are 1 tier lower. -Techs that unlock a hero unit now have a special overlay to signify their significance. -TEC's Admiral Kol now requires two levels of the Civil Ship Safety Act research to recruit. -5 New "Fiefdom" series of random maps, with each player having their own solar system. -Highly Conductive Rails tech moved from a tier 3 to teir 2 tech. -Increased the Area of Effect of the TEC titan's flak upgrade to 1500. -Wormholes now have the proper mine limit of 10 per player. -HTS Genocidal Indoctrination bonuses and duration increased. -HTS Frenzy ability will now trigger properly, and Corvettes can now be counted towards the kill bonus (thanks Womble). -Ragnarov Titan's railgun upgrade no longer affects titans but now deals extra damage and gives a shield debuff to targets. -Slashed Cryo planet's odd 10 minute strip to the core time, now gives mostly crystal instead of metal resources. -Racial and Faction bonuses now start out researched (cosmetic change only, thanks Valephus). -Orthodox Advent starting homeworld culture spread reduced. -Vorastra Titan's stun shots upgrade no longer affects titans but can now affect Starbases. -The Advent's Fluxuating Shields capitalship upgrade now displays its proper description. -Desolate and Barren planets now use the new Barren planet research type. -Gas Gaints now require research to colonize, and can now have a max of 4 research asteroids. -Oceanic and Swamp planets now use the new Oceanic planet research type. -Ferrous planets no longer require research to colonize, but now are rarer and have slightly slower max population. -Vasari Ferrous planet population cap technologies now give their bonus to Aseroid and Moons as well. -Most planet related techs have been moved around and in some case brought down a few research teirs. -Replaced one of the Advent loadscreen pictures with a better one by Axxo. -Fixed an ice giant texture to not be rediculously reflective.

-New model for the repair drone in the Cybernetic planet random encounter by Genocyber! -TEC Colony frigates will now properly allow planetary weapons to be built on planets instead of itself. -Reset Desert planet max population back to 240 (somehow got reverted to 190). -Added the Rebellion 1.5 patch artifact buffs, with the following exceptions. -Releativistic factories does not add +4 logistic slots, but build rate bonus increased to 40% and added a 25% discount to Industry specializations. -Planetary shield artifact does not increase your bombing range by 45% but instead gives a 25% discount on infrustructure upgrades. -Buffed Hidden Archive's research rate bonus to +25% -Culture artifact keeps all its previous bonuses and now doubles the relationship reward from completing missions for other players. -Trade artifact does not benefit refineries, but reduces the cost of logistics upgrades by 25%. -Hidden Academy's experience bonus increased to 35%. -Mind control artifact now gives a 1% chance to capture enemy frigates jumping from your planets. -Shield artifact now also increases total shield points by 10%. -All antifighter frigates now have the buffed range of 4400. -Added the fix for the Void map. -Increased the chance of each planet having an artifact from 0.35 to 0.4. -Increased the ratio of planets to planet bonuses from 0.7 to 0.75. -Psintegrat Ayana now correctly has only one level of her Neuronic Possession ability. -All Envoy cruisers now correctly use 4 fleet supply like in Vanilla Rebellion. -Fixed a deleted decimal point that caused fully upgraded industry Hydrocarbon planets to give 600000% bonus to trade instead of 60%. -The planets named "Forest" in the Swamp/Forest planet type have been rename to "Rainforest". -Added another level to Swamp/Rainforest planet Social research, and slightly adjusted its values at all levels. -The Black Market planet bonus now has the additional effect of reducing planet allegiance by 5%. -Vasari Explosive mines hit points buffed to be close to the other factions' mines.

1.7 -Pirate bases now have a captureable "Pirate Outpost" structure that allows any player to recruit pirate ships and the new Pirate Captain hero (1 per pirate base). -Pirate bases while owned by pirates are now more resistant to planetary and Novalith bombardment and have a defending "Pirate Captian" hero unit. -The most powerful pirate raids, whether they occur through bounty or player purchases, will now be lead by a Pirate Captain. -Pirate's should respond with stronger raids to high bounty. It took many more credits than intended to get them to send strong raids before. -Hero units are now unlocked by their own techs in the Diplomacy trees. They are free and instant research, but require a certain number of techs to unlock. -New "Non-Vasari Phase Gate" minimod allows the TEC and Advent to reverse engineer and build phase gates, but are much harder to get than the Vasari version. It is compatible with all other Minimods. -All new E4X techs, as well as Vanilla ones that recieved major changes, have an "E4X" overlay on them in the research tree. -Industrial planets now have a new guarenteed planet bonus that reduces ship costs by 10%, in addition to faster ship build speed. -The "secret" Cybernetic Planet has been buffed, with its guareented planet bonus/ability providing 33% cheaper ships and structures and 66% faster build speeds. -Adjusted all Forbidden World planet bonuses and added them to E4X planet types. Some bonuses have had their values and effects tweaked. -Player with the Forbidden Worlds DLC may now find the Trader Mining Colony random encounter on Ferrous Planets. -Capitalships in Random Encounters and the Titan on the Occupation planet will have gained a few levels! -It is now possible to "Abandon" neutral structures you capture, allowing players to get rid of ancient Superweapons they cannont use or give them to allies. -Uncolonizeable gravity wells (including those from Stellar Phenomena DLC) can now have planet bonuses, including some new ones unique to them. -Slightly upped the chance of getting a planet bonus due to all planets now having them. -Scientist Vasul's Assimulation ability now correctly has a 4th level available (thanks 5th Horsemen & Chaosmaster). -Matriarch Celestia should finally be more responsive to your orders! (Thanks 5th Horsemen) -VIR Starbases will now properly only jump to planets with phase nodes active, instead of any planet like the good old days! (thanks Mike) -Reduced the average number of frigates the Orthodox Advent's Psychic possession ability captures. -Stars now have a space mine limit of 30, instead of the Vanilla 500. :-o -The physical size of all Corvettes have been reduced to 60% their original size. Stats unchanged. -Hero Captain Aurelion's EMP Railgun ability can now target Corvettes and the autocast will now target titans.

1.701 -Fixed some crash bugs introduced with the Rebellion 1.8 hotfix. -Fixed some missing icons with Stellar Phenomenon DLC Stars and a few Random Events. -New DLC stars should now have proper mine counts. No mines may be deployed at a black hole however (they'd get destroyed before they were active anyways). -Vasari Central Command can once again research and build Phase Gates. -Reduced the passive AoE damage of all mines from 30 DPS to 25.

1.72 -Added a new Random Event, the Property Bubble. It occurs on a single planet and reduces planet upgrade cost and build times, but after a time the bubble will collapse, reducing tax income for several minutes. -Added new exiled Pirate Captain random event. He will flee to a planet at random and join whoever owns the planet in exchange for a share of the tax income. -Added Commodity Boom random event. Increasing resource extraction rates by 25% at all planets. -Added Immigrants random event. Permently increases the maximum population of a random planet and increases the population growth rate for a time. -Added Mining Rush random event. Greatly increases mining income on one planet and gives a 40% bonus to population growth for a time. -Added Phasic Anomaly random event. Lets a random player jump between all of their planets in a solar system for a time. -The Economic Upturn and Economic Downturn random events now give smaller bonuses and penalties. -The Hidden Academy Artifact now gives an extra command point and 50 fleet supply, in addition to its previous bonuses. -All ships move 50% faster in Star gravity wells, so that moving through them isn't such a pain. -All ships now jump between solar systems 50% faster, which might improve the AI on multistar maps. -Black Holes and Neutron Stars no longer reduce the phase jump speed of ships traveling from them. -TEC Shield Generator upgrade now only has one level, reducing the maximum shield protection from 90% to 70%. However, it is now easier to both get the shield generators and the upgrade. -Fixed a bug that caused the buttons in the fleet research window to be misaliegned with the background. -The Eradica Titan's unyielding will ability now only makes the titan invincible for 60/120 seconds. However, the titan will still stay alive after this effect finishes.

1.73 -Black holes from the Stellar Phenomenon DLC have been reworked. They no longer deal periodic damage, but have a chance to suck in a random ships and destroy it! -Neutron Stars and Pulsars now grant Solar Regeneration like normal stars. -Gamma Ray Burst random event now reduces the target planet's max population by 25%, rather than always killing 240 population. -Random Events sound effects are now properly working! -Players starting homeworlds now generate a small amount of culture on their own until they are lost. The Orthodox Advent gets a lot higher culture rate. -Compatible with the new Star Wars: Interregnum add on mod. -Planetary Defenses will no longer attempt to attack invincible objects. -Minor tweaks to the AI priorites, let me know if you notice any change in difficulty.

1.74 -Fixed AI stalling issue (released as 1.731 Hotfix) -Added a new ship bloom shader courtesty of Star Trek Armada 3. You should now notice a difference with bloom on. -Readded Neutral Trading stations. -Advent Orthodox culture centers now require the normal 4 logistics slots. -Stellar Phenomenona Planets now have the proper mine limits. -Hero access research now indicates which hero it unlocks, and the AI should attempt to access heroes earlier. -Reduced the mod's RAM footprint by optimizing some textures.

1.75 -Added new Arena series of Random Maps. -Lots of tweaks to improve the AI. -Updated race homeworld bonus icons. -Minimod additions. -Radiance Battleship's Aminosity ability now has a greater range. -Increased the range of the Kol Battleship's Flak Burst, especially at lower levels.

1.8 - Readjusted resource balance to try to eliviate early game crystal shortage and make metal more useful.

1.801 -Updated the mod to Rebellion version 1.83. This will allow GOG.com players to use the mod. -The first hero unit for each faction has had their ship supply cost lowered.

1.81 -Updated to Rebellion version 1.84. -Increased antimodule damage to titans by 33% (unit must be able to attack non-structures). -Ships now use colored, directional shield effects. -Removed Reserve Squadrons ability from TEC Hero Admiral Kol and granted him a new one, Expert Instructor, which lets him give experience to other units. -Info cards now give more details about unit roles, in particular non-combat ships. E.g. units that can capture are now labeled in the counter description. -Fixed fleet supply usage of cruiser sized heroes. -Halved the costs of Starbase upgrades that prevent losing a planet to bombardment. -Added a new icon for the abandon structure ability on captureable entities.

1.811 -Updates to Rebellion 1.85. -Made several adjustments to the rampant militia's spawned by the outlaw sector DLC. In general they are slower to spawn so they don't impact the early game as much. -Adjusted the Smuggling Planet specialization on several planets.

1.82 -Starbase overhaul. -HTS's Resupply, Advent Mass Disorientation, and Vasari Phase Gate abilities no longer require Starbase upgrades to unlock. Only the research is required. -TEC Starbases already had Resupply by default, so an extra starbase upgrade slot was added. -Advent Induced Reverence upgrade was combined with the culture upgrade. -Vasari's planet protection ability merged with Colony Pods and renamed Lockdown Administration. Protects the planet it orbits from bombardment, colonization and grants tax income. -Adjusted the price of some non-combat starbase upgrades like the TEC's Factory upgrade.

1.83 -Update for Sins 1.90 String Changes. -Antimodule cruisers can now attack all units, not just structures. They are good against titans but deal much less damage against smaller targets. -The Vasari Sivuskras Ruiner minelayer now also doubles as an anti-structure cruiser. It now has a long range disruptor beam, but has no extra debuff for it like other factions have. -Tweaked AI priorities. Defensive AI will now explore planets, AI should develop planet population somewhat faster. -Added Infinite Research minimod.

1.84 -Pirate scouts can now clear mines. -Fixed the "Advent Freeze" issue where the game could stall for 30+ seconds constantly. Major thanks to In_dy for sending the report that helped find it! -The VIR ability "Despoil Planet" can no longer be used to render the Occupation world uncolonizeable for a while. -The debuff from Despoil Planet now affects Corvettes. -Fixed a bug where non-Vasari AI could unlock phase gates without the non-Vasari Phase Gate minimod active.
-Fixed a number of minor text and icon issues (Thanks BigBantha)! -Titan and Fighters now use ANTIVERYLIGHT damage for anti-figther weapons, since all strikecraft now have very light armor. -The Vasari titan intense beam ship upgrade now correctly works in the Kultorask titan. -Fixed an issue that prevented the TEC homeworld from spreading culture like the others. -Ascended Advent Spirits of the Ascended now affects Corvettes. -Reduced the average number of ships captured by Orthodox Advent's Psychic Possession from 5 to 3-4.

1.841 -Update Strings for Rebellion version 1.92. -Corrected the number of mines that can be deployed at Comets. -Vasari Assault Nanites from the Rankulus Battleship can now target ships. -Fixed an issue where the Pirate Trading base random encounter would not always spawn at Space Junks.

1.85 -Update for Rebellion 1.94 / Minor factions DLC -Mod now works with minor factions. Use embassies to capture them. -Added more Minor Faction starting forces. -Added new abilities to minor factions with limited utility. -Arankul Mercenaries now provide Nano Restoration, which you can purchase to increase your ships hull restore rate. -Danoba Free Miners can sell you Mining Equipment to increase metal and crystal mining rates until you lose control of the target planet. -Pranast United will now let you purchase TEC Planetary Defense Systems (Planetary Weapons) on a planet of your choice. The regular buildup time still applies. -Laesinda Dominion can now force an enemy planet to take increased damage for a time with their Scorn of the Unity. -Minor Faction abilities that trade resources now benefit from Minor Faction ability upgrade techs. Trade cooldown reduced by 1 minute per level. -Greatly increased embassy HP now that they are more of a target. -Envoy Diplomatic Immunity now no longer prevents abilities from being used, but duration reduced to 20 seconds. -Reduced antimodule damage against capitalships, heavy cruisers, light frigates, and corvettes. -Somewhat reduced chance of random encounters of NPC owned planets, to prevent crowding out areas for Minor Factions to spawn. -Fixed XP from killing Corvettes. -Fixed a vanilla Sins bug with the Triumvirate map's starting forces (thanks GulSurvives for always picking the worst maps!)

1.86 - Fixed a bug where Industrial Planet Specialization was cheaper than intended.

1.87 - Added additional abilities to the Mad Vasari Vorastra Titan. A word of advice - Don't let it bomb out your planets. :)

1.88 -Pact Rework -Redistributed Pacts so they are now unique per faction instead of per race. E.g. TEC and HTS no longer have the exact same pacts. -TEC Efficiency, Trade, Tactical, Munitions, Armor, Supply -HTS Trade, Underworld, Siege, Munitions, Armor, Supply -Ascended Research, Culture, Recovery, Antimatter, Weapons, Shield -Orthodox Culture, Antimatter, Siege, Weapons, Strikecraft, Shield -VCC Efficiency, Underworld, Resource, Jump, Tactical, Targeting -VIR Trade, Recovery, Resource, Jump, Munitions, Targeting
-Reworked Relationship Requirements for most pacts. -Replaced the following Pacts -Market Pact replaced with Underworld Pact. Now gives -15% Black Market cost, +20% to Bounty Placed and Collected, -1 to Pirate Strength. -Mass Pact replaced by Recovery Pact. +20% Hull Regeneration, Planet Health Regeneration, and Population Growth. -Energy Pact is now Weapons Pact. Gives +10% Damage to all weapons. -Pulse Pact is now Munitions Pact. Gives +10% Rate of fire to all weapons. -Thruster Pact is now Strikecraft Pact. Gives +1 fighter per squad. -Renamed the following Pacts to be more clear what they do. -Armament Pact renamed Targeting Pact.
-Rebalanced resource asteroid yields. Less populated planets now have more resources. -Tier 0 planets (Asteroid and Dwarf Planets) now have 4 resource asteroids. -Most Tier 1 planets (Volcanic etc) now have 6 resource asteroids. -Most Tier 2 planets (Ice etc) now have 4 resource asteroids. -Neutral planet extractor Max Refinery Limit increased from 4 to 6. -Added Antistructure Bombers to TEC/Advent/Vasari. These are strikecraft with unique models that deal antimodule damage. They require antimodule cruiser research to build. -Reduced the number of technologies required to unlock hero units. -Reduced the number of Starbases that can be built at Stars to 2. -Impenetrable Fortress Artifact Bonuses reduced, but now applies bonus to Tactical Structures as well. No longer gives Starbase build time bonus. -Akkan's Ceasefire ability now disables construction of strikecraft, buildings, and starbases. -Sova's Heavy Fighters ability buffed to increase damage by 33/44/55/66%, armor buffed to 6/9/12/15. This brings it in line with the Halcyon's extra squads in terms of total stats added. -Sova's Rapid Manufacturing now applies instant fighter rebuild to all TEC units with strikecraft for a brief time. -Vasari Refinery is moved down a level to be unlocked at tier 2. -Vasari Resource Extraction techs starting at tier 3 (all except the first 1) now give an extra 5% bonus to refinery income. -Increased speed of Vasari Colony and Carrier capitalships from 450 to 500. -Ragnarov Titan's Scattershot Ability now has an additional -10/20/30/40% Damage Output debuff. -Ragnarov Titan's Overcharged Explosive Shot now has the same knockback as the non-overcharged version (it was less for some reason). -Kultorask Titan Nano Leech ability is now interruptable. -Increased Admiral Dyrenov's Final Annihilation ability damage from 2200 to 5000. -Improved Ragnarov Titan durability upgrades to give bonuses equal to the Ankylon Titan. -Increased Hoshiko's Demolition Bots ability cooldown from 3 to 15. -Antimodule Cruisers durability increased by roughly 50%, speed reduced from 450 to 400. -Reduced damage of AntiMedium (Long range Frigates) to VeryHeavy (Heavy Cruisers) from 0.75 to 0.55. -Reduced damage of AntiVeryLight (fighters and flak) against Heavy, VeryHeavy, Capitalship, and Titan armor types. -Reduced AntiVeryHeavy damage (Bombers) against Heavy armor (Flak/Support Cruisers). -Reduced AntiModule damage (Antistructure Cruisers, Antistructure Bombers) against Heavy armor (Flak/Support Cruisers). -Reduced range of Mass Disorientation from 8500 to 7500. -Matriarch Celestia Hero Unity's Bulwark duration reduced from 50 to 40 seconds, shield mitigation bonus reduced from 3.333 to 2.5 per level. -XP granted from Sova Missile Turrets, Vulkoras Siege Turrets, and Rankulas Nanites removed to be more in line with warped in temporary ships. -Scouts can no longer be stopped from destroying mines by taking damage. -If a unit capturing a neutral object takes enough damage, the capture will now be interrupted. -Bidirectional Jamming duration increased from 45 to 60 seconds. Can now only be applied once every 120 seconds.

1.881 -Advent Culture research now gives half the shield mitigation bonus, but now receives 10% shield regeneration in culture per level (3% mitigation, 60% shield regen bonus total). -Reduced Vasari Central Command innate salvaging bonus from 15% to 10%. -Increased the amount of relation points earned from Give Resources and Send Envoy diplomatic missions. -Kultorask Titan's Nano Leech can no longer be interrupted once again. -It is no longer possible for the Mad Vasari to turn wormholes into Asteroids. -Changed cost of TEC/Vasari Trade Port cost from 900/175/150 to 450/275/250. -Fixed some rare crash conditions suggested by Psychoak.