GoaLitiuM / RmlUi

The RmlUi plugin for Flax Engine
MIT License
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RmlUi for Flax Engine

This is the RmlUi plugin for Flax Engine.

The plugin is still under development and currently has support for C++-scripting.

Minimum supported Flax version: 1.7.1.


  1. Clone the repository into <game-project>\Plugins\RmlUi, or add the repository as a submodule to the game repository.

  2. Add a reference to RmlUi project in your game by modifying <game-project>.flaxproj as follows:

"References": [
        "Name": "$(EnginePath)/Flax.flaxproj"
        "Name": "$(ProjectPath)/Plugins/RmlUi/RmlUi.flaxproj"
  1. Add a reference to RmlUi plugin module in you game code module by modifying Source/Game/Game.Build.cs as follows (or any other game modules using the plugin):
/// <inheritdoc />
public override void Setup(BuildOptions options)


    switch (options.Platform.Target)
    case TargetPlatform.Windows:
    case TargetPlatform.Linux:
    case TargetPlatform.Mac:

This will add reference to RmlUi module on Windows/Linux/Mac platforms.

  1. Test it out!

In Flax Editor, the plugin should be listed in the Plugins window under the GUI category.

TODO: Add simple instructions how to use the plugin here. TODO: Add links to example Flax-projects using the plugin here.


This plugin is released under the MIT License.