Gola-k / rubiks-cube-scanner

It uses opencv python to take images of a jumbled rubiks cube from webcam and gives a series of solution to solve it
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It uses opencv python to take images of a jumbled rubiks cube from webcam and gives a series of solution to solve it

You must scan the sides in the order U,R,F,D,L,B

(Upper center): WHITE Press U for scanning

(Right center): RED Press R for scanning

(Front center): GREEN Press F for scanning

(Down center): YELLOW Press D for scanning

(Left center): ORANGE Press L for scanning

(Back center): BLUE Press B for scanning

Press ENTER after scanning all sides Solution will apppear on command line

If the colors are not calibrated properly for your cube and camera use hsv_trackbar.py file to calculate the upper and lower hsv limits of each color and change them in the main.py color_detect(h, s, v) function for each color