Golemancer-Ctrl / project-wikiview

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For our first project, we elected to create some kind of miniature wiki page. Our group interests informed our choice in which fandom to use and Harry Potter immediately presented itself both in personal interests and in available APIs for the assignment. Utilizing the Watchmode and HPAPIs, our project incorporates API functionality in two distinct aspects; individual information and availability. We additionally made use of user inputs to tidy up the information displayed on each page. Rather than cluttering things up with text boxes, we put the more compact streaming information into a modal and created a separate page for the varied text/image data that it provides.


You can find a live version of our site at: [https://golemancer-ctrl.github.io/project-wikiview/].

The PotterWiki site background features the Hogwarts campus and grounds, the website title prominently displayed at the top.  There are buttons for Streaming Options and Character Selection

