GoodDollar / GoodWeb3-Mono

mono repo with GoodDollar's web3 UI components and SDK
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GoodDollar Mono-Repo.

The official GoodDollar library to open up core functionalities to be used in your own application

The mono-repo currently holds:



To install dependencies and build the initial package(s)


It will install all dependencies necessary from all packages, and mostly hoist it to the root node_modules,
besides it looks for package.json files in the packages folder and run the build script.
To build single packages, run yarn in the root of that package.

Add a new package

To add a new package

mkdir packages/<package-name>
cd packages/<package-name>

Add a package.json with the name prefixed @gooddollar/ For default typescript configuration extend the root

Local Testing

For locally testing a package we suggest to install yalc

npm -i -g yalc

then publish your package (first-time)

yalc publish

to update to a published package

yalc publish --push

Link the package in your application

yalc link @gooddollar/<package-name>


For enforcing a specific version across all packages add the dependency to the root package.json,
else add the dependency to specific package