GoodEveningMiss /

Social application for private discussion, to-do, and other types of threads
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frictionless idea crowdsourcing and collaborative task management in an inspired format

Getting started

  1. Install Rbenv, Ruby/Rails
  2. Get this repo!
    • Install git if you don't have it.
    • git clone
    • cd
    • bundle install & resolve any errors (see 4. for issues with pg gem)
    • run rails generate bootstrap:install -f to use bootstrap-generators
  3. Set up database
    • Install Postgres dependencies (Look up your system and pg gem/Postgres)
    • Create app user: sudo su - postgres -c psql & create role ideally with createdb login password 'ideally';
    • Change Postgres access configuration:
    • sudo vi /etc/postgresql/9.1/main/pg_hba.conf
    • Change line ~90ish from local all all peer to local all all md5
    • Restart Postgres (Look up how to do so for your OS)
    • Create database and tables: rake db:create & rake db:migrate
    • Run rake db:seed to set up intial admin user (to set up more admin users)
  4. Run the app!


  1. Download heroku-toolbelt (Optional)
  2. Add the heroku repo as a remote for the repo
  3. Make sure you have access to the heroku app & an account
  4. Add your ssh key to your heroku account
  5. Push changes to heroku master
    • Only do this if your sure the changes are stable
    • git push heroku master