GoodGameRuler / unitrack_v3

A simplified degree planner for USYD Students.
GNU General Public License v3.0
4 stars 8 forks source link

UniTrack V3

Table of Contents


This project was initiated for Coding Fest 2023 by Udit Samant, Jennifer Tan, Devanshi Mirchandani, and Parth Bhargava. The purpose of UniTrack is to present a university services platform with a better user experience, mainly targeting degree planning, unit selection, and time table selection.

After two iterations of technical stacks for this project we have settled on React, Next.Js, and Vercel

We welcome any collaboration and contributions from the public to this project, please refer to the open source contribution section.

We would like to acknowledge Antriksh Dhand in his contribution as the original ideator of this project

Getting Started / Installation

SSH authentication is recommended, visit this link for more information.

  1. Clone the repo using `git clone --recurse-submodules
  2. Run development server based on your preferred package manager.

NOTE: Maintainer and DB-Codeowner/DB-Contributor Developers please use vercel dev

npm run dev
# or
yarn dev
# or
pnpm dev
# or
bun dev
# or
vercel dev #strictly for maintainers and testing postgres db

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.


Read the guidelines below to write good commit messages, branch names, and make pull requests that follow the conventions we will be using throughout the project.


We welcome contribution to this project. Changes to this repository will be received on a issue assigned basis. To contribute...

Commit Messages

Branch Names

Make a branch using git checkout -b <branch_name>.

patch: a non API breaking change to the codebase - anyone that uses your code will not need to be concerned with the changes you pushed. minor: a minor API change to the codebase - anyone that uses your code will need to slightly modify implementation of their code. major: a major API change to the codebase - generally breaks code, wherever used, and will need significant modification.


Pull Requests

Summarised from this article.



Example Pull Request

TLDR: (Necessary for longer PRs) this PR defines PR message syntax.
resolves/closes/fixes #ISSUE_NO (, resolves/closes/fixes #ISSUE_NO2 (, ...))

This pull request is part of the work to make it easier for people to contribute to naming convention guides.

To achieve this, we have:
- Found an issue
- Made a PR
- Made clear the changes introduced
- Included images

Open Source

Follow the steps below to suggest a patch or a feature for this project. For information on naming conventions for pull requests or commits, read the rest of the contributing section above.

  1. Fork the repo
  2. Create your Feature Branch: git checkout -b <branch_name>
  3. Commit your Changes
  4. Push to the Branch: git push origin <branch_name>
  5. Open a Pull Request

Developing Team