GoodGamery / mtgnewsbot

MT. Gnewsbot
MIT License
4 stars 5 forks source link

MT. Gnewsbot

Generates random MTG news headlines

Travis CI Build Status


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Command line use:


    -V, --version         output the version number
    -c --count <n>        Count of news articles to generate
    -o --origin [string]  Origin string to flatten. Defaults to "#origin#"
    -v --verbose          Verbose logging
    -t --tweet            Tweet the result. Overrides count to 1.
    -d --discord          Post the result on discord
    --debug               Post the result on debugging discord channel
    -h, --help            output usage information

For example, to print out 10 messages: node mtgnews -c 10

To make one tweet: node mtgnews --tweet

To post on discord, but not twitter: node mtgnews --discord

To use a custom rule and post it to twitter and discord: node mtgnews -o "#customRule#" --tweet --discord

To be able to tweet or use discord, you need to create a config-override.json and fill in the following keys:

  "webhookUrlErr": "<SECRET>",
  "webhookUrl": "<SECRET>",