Googer / Professor-Pine

Official repository for the Professor Pine Pokemon GO raid coordination Discord bot
GNU General Public License v3.0
15 stars 19 forks source link
discord-bot pokemon-go

Professor Pine Discord Bot

Official Discord server (setup help, support, feedback, etc.)

What you need

Copy data/private-settings.json.default to data/private-settings.json and fill it out:

  "discordBotToken": "<bot token for main bot>",
  "discordNotifyToken": "<bot token for DM / notification bot>",
  "owner": "<your Discord Snowflake ID>",
  "pokemonUrlBase": "<url for pokemon images>",
  "githubRepo": "<github repo to receieve gym change requests, in form user/repo, not full URL>",
  "githubUser": "<github user for creating gym change requests>",
  "githubPassword": "<github password for creating gym change requests>",
  "db": {
    "host": "<host for mysql db (localhost if running on same machine as bot)>",
    "port": "<mysql db port>",
    "user": "<mysql username>",
    "password: "<mysql password>",
    "schema": "<mysql schema name for pine's data>"

Run npm install then npm start to start the bot.