GoogleChromeLabs / lighthousebot

Run Lighthouse in CI, as a web service, using Docker. Pass/Fail GH pull requests.
Apache License 2.0
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Circle CI support #16

Open jakeleboeuf opened 6 years ago

jakeleboeuf commented 6 years ago

Any chance you'll add in support for Circle CI?

ebidel commented 6 years ago

This system is generic enough that you should be able to set it up with any CI server. Namely just run the runlighthouse.js script against a staged URL or fire up a local server and test agains that.

jakeleboeuf commented 6 years ago

Thanks Eric!

process.env.TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST_SLUG is of course not available in CircleCI, so repoSlug.split('/')[0] will throw an error.

ebidel commented 6 years ago

Ah yes :) Thanks for keeping me honest. TBH, I haven't used Circle CI before. If changes are minimal, I'd be happy to take a PR that adds support. The other thing you could do is take runlighthouse.js as a starter and adapt it to CircleCI.

jakeleboeuf commented 6 years ago

Haha, no problem! I’ll take a look in the morning and see how minimal the change would be to add that flag. If it’s a small update, I’ll send a PR- otherwise I’ll just fork and run.

ebidel commented 6 years ago

Thanks! I'd also like to understand the changes. Maybe you can help list them here if the change becomes too much?

patrickmichalina commented 6 years ago

Same issue here. This script is coupled to TRAVIS. I just copied it and tweaking for Circle

jimjeffers commented 6 years ago

Is there a fork or any documentation on getting this up and running on CircleCI?

gepser commented 6 years ago

Did somebody already make it work for Circle CI? Any guidance on how to do it or implementing would be appreciated.

zgreen commented 6 years ago

I created an example repo for lighthouse+circleci integration—maybe it will help some folks here.

repo: blog post:

tinovyatkin commented 5 years ago

We can use the service directly:

      - run:
          name: "Run Lighthouse"
          command: |
            curl -f -X POST \
                  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
                  -H "X-API-KEY: ${LIGHTHOUSE_API_KEY}" \
                  -d "{
                        \"output\": \"json\",
                        \"testUrl\": \"https://staging-$CIRCLE_PR_NUMBER-dot-$\",
                        \"addComment\": true,
                        \"thresholds\": {
                          \"performance\": 35,
                          \"pwa\": 30,
                          \"accessibility\": 80,
                          \"best-practices\": 70,
                          \"seo\": 90
                        \"repo\": {
                          \"owner\": \"${CIRCLE_PROJECT_USERNAME}\",
                          \"name\": \"${CIRCLE_PROJECT_REPONAME}\"
                        \"pr\": {
                          \"number\": ${CIRCLE_PR_NUMBER},
                          \"sha\": \"$CIRCLE_SHA1\"
ebidel commented 5 years ago

@tinovyatkin I do not recommend relying on It can change at any time and I make no guarantees on uptime. It's for testing.

eahlberg commented 5 years ago

@zgreen thank you for your example repo! however, it seems the blog post is not available atm (404), do you have it available somewhere else?

zgreen commented 5 years ago

Hmm, the link seems to work for me. Note that it should be and not, looks like my blog isn't handling trailing slashes properly 🙃

eahlberg commented 5 years ago

@zgreen the trailing slash didn't make a difference for me but it seems to be a browser issue since it works for me in Safari but not in Chrome. Thanks anyway, time to read! 🤓

kanolato commented 5 years ago

@tinovyatkin Did you manage to get the comments on the PR, using circleci?

krzkaczor commented 5 years ago

@jakeleboeuf @kanolato lighthouse-keeper is the new lighthouse bot that supports multiple CIs as well as detecting differences between PR branch and master branch. You should check it out!