GoogleChromeLabs / web-smartcard-demo

Demostrates usage of the Web Smart Card API.
Apache License 2.0
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Web Smart Card API Demo

This repository contains an Isolated Web App that reads and displays the X.509 Certificate for Card Authentication present in a Personal Identity Verification (PIV) smart card.

It serves as a demonstration of the Web Smart Card API.


Chrome flags in the target ChromeOS device

The following flags in chrome://flags must be enabled:


This project is written in TypeScript and uses npm and Webpack to manage dependencies and automate the build process. To get started clone the repository and install dependencies by running,

npm install

Chrome supports two options for Isolated Web App development. In "proxy" mode you run a local development server as you would for normal web app development on a URL like http://localhost:8080. When the app is installed a random isolated-app:// origin is created and the browser proxies requests for this origin to your local server. This allows you to quickly edit and refresh the app to see your changes. When developer mode is enabled Chrome also allows you to self-sign a Web Bundle and load it as it would be for a production app.

When developing an Isolated Web App always make sure you are running the latest version of Chrome dev-channel as the feature is under active development.

Running with a development server

To start a local development server run,

npm run start

Then log into your ChromeOS device. It will automatically install the Isolated Web App served by the URL set in #install-isolated-web-app-from-url. After a couple of seconds you should see the "Smart Card Demo" app available in the launcher as a newly installed app. Now you can remove that URL from #install-isolated-web-app-from-url, otherwise it will install a new app on every new log in.