GoogleCloudPlatform / appengine-cloudsql-native-mysql-datanucleus-jdo-demo-java

Native MySQL Connections from App Engine (Java)
Apache License 2.0
13 stars 9 forks source link

Google Cloud SQL/App Engine native DataNucleus JDO demo

This demo contains an example program that shows how to use DataNucles JDO with native MySQL connections to connect from Google App Engine to Google Cloud SQL both in development mode and on App Engine.


Clone this repository to a local directory. Maven will download all the other dependencies.


To build, run:

mvn package

Local deployment

Make sure the demo database exists on the local MySQL server.

To start the app, use the App Engine Maven Plugin that is included in this demo. Just run the command:

mvn appengine:devserver

App Engine deployment

In pom.xml update the following properties:

Make sure the demo database exists on the Cloud SQL instance.

To deploy the app run the following command:

mvn appengine:update

Contributing changes
