GoogleCloudPlatform / click-to-deploy

Source for Google Click to Deploy solutions listed on Google Cloud Marketplace.
Apache License 2.0
727 stars 442 forks source link
cloud gcp gke google-cloud-marketplace k8s


Source for Google Click to Deploy solutions listed on Google Cloud Marketplace.


This is not an officially supported Google product.

:warning: About log4j Vulnerabilities

We are constantly working on updating the scripts used in this repository to use non-impacted versions of the OSS that are used here. So updates are constanly being made in this repository.

Below is the list of solutions, in this repo, currently affected by the log4j CVEs, or using a log4j version < 2.16

Virtual Machines

Solution Notes
elasticsearch Vulnerable
logstash Vulnerable
magento Vulnerable (uses elasticsearch)
sonarqube Vulnerable (uses elasticsearch)
liferay Vulnerable

Kubernetes Applications

Solution Notes
activemq Uses log4j 1.x
elastic-gke-logging Vulnerable
elasticsearch Vulnerable
kafka Uses log4j 1.x
magento Vulnerable (uses elasticsearch)
sonarqube Vulnerable (uses elasticsearch)
zookeeper Vulnerable (uses elasticsearch)

Cloud Build CI

This repository uses Cloud Build for continuous integration. Each type of application has its own configuration file.

For detailed information on each configuration, see the following documentations:

GCB custom worker pools

The Cloud Build configurations use Google Cloud Build (GCB) custom worker pools.

If you want to create a new worker pool, run the following command:

gcloud beta builds worker-pools create gcb-workers-pool-e2 \
  --project=[PROJECT_ID] \
  --peered-network=projects/[NETWORK_PROJECT_NUMBER]/global/networks/default \
  --region=us-central1 \


For more information, see the gcloud beta builds worker-pools commands.