GoogleCloudPlatform / cloud-sql-go-connector

A Go library for connecting securely to your Cloud SQL instances
Apache License 2.0
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Cloud SQL Go Connector

Open In Codelab CI Go Reference

The Cloud SQL Go Connector is a Cloud SQL connector designed for use with the Go language. Using a Cloud SQL connector provides a native alternative to the Cloud SQL Auth Proxy while providing the following benefits:

For users migrating from the Cloud SQL Proxy drivers, see the migration guide.

For a quick example, try out the Go Connector in a Codelab.


You can install this repo with go get:

go get


This package provides several functions for authorizing and encrypting connections. These functions can be used with your database driver to connect to your Cloud SQL instance.

The instance connection name for your Cloud SQL instance is always in the format project:region:instance.

APIs and Services

This package requires the following to successfully make Cloud SQL Connections:


This project uses the Application Default Credentials (ADC) strategy for resolving credentials. Please see these instructions for how to set your ADC (Google Cloud Application vs Local Development, IAM user vs service account credentials), or consult the documentation.

To explicitly set a specific source for the Credentials, see Using Options below.

Connecting to a database


Postgres users have the option of using the database/sql interface or using pgx directly. See pgx's advice on which to choose.

Using the dialer with pgx

To use the dialer with pgx, we recommend using connection pooling with pgxpool by configuring a Config.DialFunc like so:

import (


func connect() {
    // Configure the driver to connect to the database
    dsn := "user=myuser password=mypass dbname=mydb sslmode=disable"
    config, err := pgxpool.ParseConfig(dsn)
    if err != nil {
        /* handle error */

    // Create a new dialer with any options
    d, err := cloudsqlconn.NewDialer(context.Background())
    if err != nil {
        /* handle error */

    // Tell the driver to use the Cloud SQL Go Connector to create connections
    config.ConnConfig.DialFunc = func(ctx context.Context, _ string, instance string) (net.Conn, error) {
        return d.Dial(ctx, "project:region:instance")

    // Interact with the driver directly as you normally would
    pool, err := pgxpool.NewWithConfig(context.Background(), config)
    if err != nil {
        /* handle error */

    // call cleanup when you're done with the database connection
    cleanup := func() error { return d.Close() }
    // ... etc
Using the dialer with database/sql

To use database/sql, call pgxv5.RegisterDriver with any necessary Dialer configuration. Note: the connection string must use the keyword/value format with host set to the instance connection name. The returned cleanup func will stop the dialer's background refresh goroutine and so should only be called when you're done with the Dialer.

import (


func connect() {
    cleanup, err := pgxv5.RegisterDriver("cloudsql-postgres", cloudsqlconn.WithIAMAuthN())
    if err != nil {
        // ... handle error
    // call cleanup when you're done with the database connection
    defer cleanup()

    db, err := sql.Open(
        "host=project:region:instance user=myuser password=mypass dbname=mydb sslmode=disable",
    // ... etc


To use database/sql, use mysql.RegisterDriver with any necessary Dialer configuration. The returned cleanup func will stop the dialer's background refresh goroutine and so should only be called when you're done with the Dialer.

import (


func connect() {
    cleanup, err := mysql.RegisterDriver("cloudsql-mysql", cloudsqlconn.WithCredentialsFile("key.json"))
    if err != nil {
        // ... handle error
    // call cleanup when you're done with the database connection
    defer cleanup()

    db, err := sql.Open(
    // ... etc

SQL Server

To use database/sql, use mssql.RegisterDriver with any necessary Dialer configuration. The returned cleanup func will stop the dialer's background refresh goroutine and so should only be called when you're done with the Dialer.

import (


func connect() {
    cleanup, err := mssql.RegisterDriver("cloudsql-sqlserver", cloudsqlconn.WithCredentialsFile("key.json"))
    if err != nil {
        // ... handle error
    // call cleanup when you're done with the database connection
    defer cleanup()

    db, err := sql.Open(
    // ... etc

Using DNS domain names to identify instances

The connector can be configured to use DNS to look up an instance. This would allow you to configure your application to connect to a database instance, and centrally configure which instance in your DNS zone.

Configure your DNS Records

Add a DNS TXT record for the Cloud SQL instance to a private DNS server or a private Google Cloud DNS Zone used by your application.

Note: You are strongly discouraged from adding DNS records for your Cloud SQL instances to a public DNS server. This would allow anyone on the internet to discover the Cloud SQL instance name.

For example: suppose you wanted to use the domain name to connect to your database instance my-project:region:my-instance. You would create the following DNS record:

Configure the connector

Configure the connector as described above, replacing the conenctor ID with the DNS name.

Adapting the MySQL + database/sql example above:

package main

import (


func connect() {
    cleanup, err := mysql.RegisterDriver("cloudsql-mysql",
    if err != nil {
        // ... handle error
    // call cleanup when you're done with the database connection
    defer cleanup()

    db, err := sql.Open(
    // ... etc

Automatic fail-over using DNS domain names

When the connector is configured using a domain name, the connector will periodically check if the DNS record for an instance changes. When the connector detects that the domain name refers to a different instance, the connector will close all open connections to the old instance. Subsequent connection attempts will be directed to the new instance.

For example: suppose application is configured to connect using the domain name Initially the corporate DNS zone has a TXT record with the value my-project:region:my-instance. The application establishes connections to the my-project:region:my-instance Cloud SQL instance.

Then, to reconfigure the application to use a different database instance, change the value of the DNS record from my-project:region:my-instance to my-project:other-region:my-instance-2

The connector inside the application detects the change to this DNS record. Now, when the application connects to its database using the domain name, it will connect to the my-project:other-region:my-instance-2 Cloud SQL instance.

The connector will automatically close all existing connections to my-project:region:my-instance. This will force the connection pools to establish new connections. Also, it may cause database queries in progress to fail.

The connector will poll for changes to the DNS name every 30 seconds by default. You may configure the frequency of the connections using the option WithFailoverPeriod(d time.Duration). When this is set to 0, the connector will disable polling and only check if the DNS record changed when it is creating a new connection.

Using Options

If you need to customize something about the Dialer, you can initialize directly with NewDialer:

d, err := cloudsqlconn.NewDialer(
if err != nil {
    log.Fatalf("unable to initialize dialer: %s", err)

conn, err := d.Dial(ctx, "project:region:instance")

For a full list of customizable behavior, see Option.

Using DialOptions

If you want to customize things about how the connection is created, use Option:

conn, err := d.Dial(

You can also use the WithDefaultDialOptions Option to specify DialOptions to be used by default:

d, err := cloudsqlconn.NewDialer(

Automatic IAM Database Authentication

Connections using Automatic IAM database authentication are supported when using Postgres or MySQL drivers.

Make sure to configure your Cloud SQL Instance to allow IAM authentication and add an IAM database user.

A Dialer can be configured to connect to a Cloud SQL instance using automatic IAM database authentication with the WithIAMAuthN Option (recommended) or the WithDialIAMAuthN DialOption.

d, err := cloudsqlconn.NewDialer(ctx, cloudsqlconn.WithIAMAuthN())

When configuring the DSN for IAM authentication, the password field can be omitted and the user field should be formatted as follows:

Postgres: For an IAM user account, this is the user's email address. For a service account, it is the service account's email without the domain suffix.

MySQL: For an IAM user account, this is the user's email address, without the @ or domain name. For example, for, set the user field to test-user. For a service account, this is the service account's email address without the suffix.

Example DSNs using the service account to connect can be found below.


dsn := "user=test-sa@test-project.iam dbname=mydb sslmode=disable"


dsn := "user=test-sa dbname=mydb sslmode=disable"

Enabling Metrics and Tracing

This library includes support for metrics and tracing using OpenCensus. To enable metrics or tracing, you need to configure an exporter. OpenCensus supports many backends for exporters.

Supported metrics include:

Supported traces include:

For example, to use Cloud Monitoring and Cloud Trace, you would configure an exporter like so:

import (

func main() {
    sd, err := stackdriver.NewExporter(stackdriver.Options{
        ProjectID: "mycoolproject",
    if err != nil {
        // handle error
    defer sd.Flush()

    defer sd.StopMetricsExporter()

    // Use cloudsqlconn as usual.
    // ...

As OpenTelemetry has now reached feature parity with OpenCensus, the migration from OpenCensus to OpenTelemetry is strongly encouraged. OpenTelemetry bridge can be leveraged to migrate to OpenTelemetry without the need of replacing the OpenCensus APIs in this library. Example code is shown below for migrating an application using the OpenTelemetry bridge for traces.

import (
    texporter ""
    sdktrace ""

func main() {
    // trace.AlwaysSample() is expensive. Replacing it with your own
    // sampler for production environments is recommended.
    trace.ApplyConfig(trace.Config{DefaultSampler: trace.AlwaysSample()})

    exporter, err := texporter.New(
    if err != nil {
        // Handle error

    tp := sdktrace.NewTracerProvider(sdktrace.WithSyncer(exporter))
    tracer := tp.Tracer("Cloud SQL Go Connector Trace")
    trace.DefaultTracer = opencensus.NewTracer(tracer)

    // Use cloudsqlconn as usual.
    // ...

A known OpenTelemetry issue has been reported here. It shouldn't impact database operations.

Debug Logging

The Go Connector supports optional debug logging to help diagnose problems with the background certificate refresh. To enable it, provide a logger that implements the debug.ContextLogger interface when initializing the Dialer.

For example:

import (


type myLogger struct{}

func (l *myLogger) Debugf(ctx context.Context, format string, args ...interface{}) {
    // Log as you like here

func connect() {
    l := &myLogger{}

    d, err := NewDialer(
    // use dialer as usual...

Support policy

Major version lifecycle

This project uses semantic versioning, and uses the following lifecycle regarding support for a major version:

Active - Active versions get all new features and security fixes (that wouldn’t otherwise introduce a breaking change). New major versions are guaranteed to be "active" for a minimum of 1 year.

Deprecated - Deprecated versions continue to receive security and critical bug fixes, but do not receive new features. Deprecated versions will be supported for 1 year.

Unsupported - Any major version that has been deprecated for >=1 year is considered unsupported.

Supported Go Versions

We follow the Go Version Support Policy used by Google Cloud Libraries for Go.

Release cadence

This project aims for a release on at least a monthly basis. If no new features or fixes have been added, a new PATCH version with the latest dependencies is released.