GoogleCloudPlatform / gke-pubsub-websocket-adapter

Consume Pub/Sub over Websockets
Apache License 2.0
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autoscale gcp gke google-cloud-platform kubernetes messaging pubsub pulltop websocketd websockets


The gke-pubsub-websocket-adapter provides an easy way to distribute Google Cloud Pub/Sub topic messages over WebSockets so that they may be sent to web clients without using the gcloud SDK or Pub/Sub API.


The gke-pubsub-websocket-adapter is a tool to create the support infrastructure necessary to operate a load-balanced, autoscaled GKE cluster that mirrors messages sent to a Pub/Sub topic to clients connecting through WebSockets.


To deploy gke-pubsub-websocket-adapter to your GCP project, you will need billing enabled and the following permissions:

CLI Tools (For the example):

Out-of-the-box, gke-pubsub-websocket-adapter defaults to using the NYC Taxi Rides public topic that is available to all GCP users. Please note that this topic's message rate can go escalate to 2500 messages per second or more at times.


The gke-pubsub-websocket-adapter clusters are stateless and doesn't require persistent disks for the VMs in the cluster. A memory-mapped filesystem is specified within the image that is used for ephemeral POSIX-storage of the Pub/Sub topic messages. Storing a buffer of these messages locally has a few advantages:

The gke-pubsub-websocket-adapter exposed to web clients through a single endpoint that maps to an indivdual Pub/Sub topic and load balances across VMs in the cluster. The cluster is set to scale up and down automatically based upon the number of clients connected.

Currently, the gke-pubsub-websocket-adapter uses WebSockets in half-duplex and does not support the publishing of messages by clients over the same WebSocket connection.


The gke-pubsub-websocket-adapter's architecture consists of a number of underlying components that work in concert to distribute Pub/Sub messages over WebSockets. These include:



To deploy the gke-pubsub-websocket-adapter ensure you have set gcloud config set project my-project-id to the project you wish to deploy the gke-pubsub-websocket-adapter in.

First you will need to edit the skaffold.yaml config. Update the following configuration files:



project-id: my-project-id

After that you can run change directory to the example cd examples/taxirides-realtime/ sh to deploy the infrastructure for sample deployment using the public NYC Taxi Rides feed projects/pubsub-public-data/topics/taxirides-realtime" Pub/Sub topic.

Once the terraform deployment is complete, you will need to get the credentials for the GKE cluster.

gcloud container clusters get-credentials dyson-cluster --region us-central1 --project my-project-id

Now you can deploy the workload by running skaffold run from the root of the directory.

Clean up

To clean up all of the resources created run the following:

cd examples/taxirides-realtime/setup && gcloud builds submit --config destroy.yaml


The gke-pubsub-websocket-adapter uses Workload Identity to authenticate with Pub/Sub under the Google service account called dyson-sa. If you are wanting to use a private Pub/Sub topic this service account will require access to the topic.


kpt is used for setting config for the Kubernetes manifests. Skaffold is used to build, render and deploy the manifests.

For the default deployment, these variables are set for you in the kubernetes-manifests/setters.yaml file. Please modify these, and these will be rended as a part of the Skaffold pipeline.

Known issues and enhancements

See also


This is not an officially supported Google product.

The gke-pubsub-websocket-adapter is under active development. Interfaces and functionality may change at any time.


This repository is licensed under the Apache 2 license (see LICENSE).

Contributions are welcome. See CONTRIBUTING for more information.