GoogleCloudPlatform / jenkernetes

Apache License 2.0
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status: inactive

This project is no longer actively developed or maintained.

For new work on this check out Jenkins on Kubernetes Engine.


This repository provides the resources and instructions for running a Jenkins server and individual Jenkins slaves on a Kubernetes Cluster. It also provides a plugin that allows you to administer the Kubernetes Cluster from within Jenkins workflow scripts, (and WIP administering the Kubernetes Cluster from within the Jenkins Webserver)

Please remember you will be billed for any Container Engine instances. See Container Engine documentation for pricing levels.


Originally this project ran tests in replication controllers, where you would create a new replication controller everytime you had a new image you wanted to run tests on. Going forward, this project will migrate to a single builder image type, which can then pull down its own images and build within that. This will make it so you don't have to interface with Kubernetes in order to add new build images, and (hopefully) will allow Docker builds to take place in the test jobs.

Repo Overview

Compared to other Jenkins/Kubernetes projects

This repo was created to open source the effort of a specific team using Jenkins on Kubernetes to run integration tests. Below are some other resources for those interesting in running Jenkins on Kubernetes.

There is an official [Jenkins Kubernetes plugin] ( Originally, we didn't use it since we wanted to run Jenkins master in Kubernetes (and not just the slaves), although as the plugin improves we will likely migrate to it. was a separate effort to accomplish the same goal. It's associated with a useful tutorial, and has an easy and command to get a fully running Jenkins cluster in just one line.



Create a Cluster (see Container Engine Getting Started for more detail)

Make sure your gcloud tool is up to date.

Set the project the gcloud command will use.

Create the cluster.

Make sure kubectl is using this new cluster.

Install Jenkins Master (see setup/master/ for more detail)

This is a helper script that creates a temporary GCE instance in order to format a new persistent disk that Jenkins will store job configurations on.

Creating GKE objects

This line creates the Jenkins service.

This line creates a pod with Jenkins install to back the Jenkins service.

Configuring GKE's firewall

Run gcloud compute instances list to identify your instance names. Then, run gcloud compute instances describe <YOUR-INSTANCE-NAME> and look for YOUR_CLUSTER_TAG of the form gke-<YOUR-CLUSTER-TAG>-<NODE-ID>.

This line makes sure that web traffic to port 8080 is allowed.

Viewing your Jenkins instance

Creating the service automatically assigns it an external (ephemeral) IP, which we can find by listing Kubernetes services.

Go to <YOUR-JENKINS-IP>:8080 in your browser, where YOUR-JENKINS-IP is the IP under the EXTERNAL-IP column.

Install Jenkins Slaves (see setups/slave/ for more detail)

This line creates a replication controller using the slave image created in one of the examples.

This line scales that replication controller to 5 slave pods.

Delete The Cluster

To stop billing, make sure you delete the cluster when you are finished.