GoogleCloudPlatform / nl2sql

Apache License 2.0
7 stars 7 forks source link

NL2SQL - A framework to convert natural language questions into SQL queries


NL2SQL is a library for building Natural Language to SQL workflows that are composable, explainable and extensible.

Logging and Analytics

This framework does not collect any metrics or logs by default. However, you can locally collect requests and execution logs by setting the NL2SQL_ENABLE_ANALYTICS environmant variable to any truth-y value. To have these logs sent to a GCS bucket of your choice, please set the NL2SQL_LOG_BUCKET environment variable to the bucket name. To prevent these logs from containing information about the machine running the code, please set the NL2SQL_DISABLE_SYSINFO environment variable to any value.



This is not an official Google product.