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Mac Live is a Cocoa front end to It can provide growl alerts when selected friends come online or when certain games are being played by your friends.

Update Install the Safari 3 beta from Apple and all Mac Live memory leaks automagically disappear!

Progress New in V6: Accept/Reject friend requests actually works now :)

In response to the recent interest in Mac Live I have been working on improving it. Aside from documentation, I have developed all of the features that I had hoped to be able to provide for my first official release. At this point I'm looking at doing an official release soon (how soon depends on the bug reports I receive from users). Below is the current feature list:

View friends, games, and messages Notifications via growl when selected friends or selected games come online Notifications via growl when messages or friend requests are received Send friend requests (both via the services menu in any application and within Mac Live itself) Send text messages to friends Delete messages Accept or Reject friend requests If you find any bugs or you have any ideas for enhancements, please post them in the handy google code issue tracker. I appreciate all of your feedback. If you don't have a google account to post issues with, you can email me at jameshoward AT mac DOT com.