Gorilla-Lab-SCUT / SSTNet

Instance Segmentation in 3D Scenes using Semantic Superpoint Tree Networks
MIT License
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3d deep-learning instance-segmentation point-cloud superpoint



overview Instance Segmentation in 3D Scenes using Semantic Superpoint Tree Networks(ICCV2021) by Zhihao Liang, Zhihao Li, Songcen Xu, Mingkui Tan, Kui Jia*. (*) Corresponding author. [arxiv] [ICCV2021]


Instance segmentation in 3D scenes is fundamental in many applications of scene understanding. It is yet challenging due to the compound factors of data irregularity and uncertainty in the numbers of instances. State-of-the-art methods largely rely on a general pipeline that first learns point-wise features discriminative at semantic and instance levels, followed by a separate step of point grouping for proposing object instances. While promising, they have the shortcomings that (1) the second step is not supervised by the main objective of instance segmentation, and (2) their point-wise feature learning and grouping are less effective to deal with data irregularities, possibly resulting in fragmented segmentations. To address these issues, we propose in this work an end-to-end solution of Semantic Superpoint Tree Network (SSTNet) for proposing object instances from scene points. Key in SSTNet is an intermediate, semantic superpoint tree (SST), which is constructed based on the learned semantic features of superpoints, and which will be traversed and split at intermediate tree nodes for proposals of object instances. We also design in SSTNet a refinement module, termed CliqueNet, to prune superpoints that may be wrongly grouped into instance proposals.



then install the requirements:

pip install -r requirements.txt


For the SparseConv, please refer PointGroup's spconv to install.


This project is based on our Gorilla-Lab deep learning toolkit - gorilla-core and 3D toolkit gorilla-3d.

For gorilla-core, you can install it by running:

pip install gorilla-core==

or building from source(recommend)

git clone https://github.com/Gorilla-Lab-SCUT/gorilla-core
cd gorilla-core
python setup.py install(develop)

For gorilla-3d, you should install it by building from source:

git clone https://github.com/Gorilla-Lab-SCUT/gorilla-3d
cd gorilla-3d
python setup.py develop

Tip: for high-version torch, the BuildExtension may fail by using ninja to build the compile system. If you meet this problem, you can change the BuildExtension in cmdclass={"build_ext": BuildExtension} as cmdclass={"build_ext": BuildExtension}.with_options(use_ninja=False)

Otherwise, this project also need other extension, we use the pointgroup_ops to realize voxelization and use the segmentator to generate superpoints for scannet scene. we use the htree to construct the Semantic Superpoint Tree and the hierarchical node-inheriting relations is realized based on the modified cluster.hierarchy.linkage function from scipy.

Data Preparation

Please refer to the README.md in data/scannetv2 to realize data preparation.


CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python train.py --config config/default.yaml

You can start a tensorboard session by

tensorboard --logdir=./log --port=6666

Tip: For the directory of logging, please refer the implementation of function gorilla.collect_logger.

Inference and Evaluation

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python test.py --config config/default.yaml --pretrain pretrain.pth --eval

Results on ScanNet Benchmark

Rank 1st on the ScanNet benchmark benchmark


We provide a pretrained model trained on ScanNet(v2) dataset. [Google Drive] [Baidu Cloud] (提取码:f3az) Its performance on ScanNet(v2) validation set is 49.4/64.9/74.4 in terms of mAP/mAP50/mAP25.


This repo is built upon several repos, e.g., PointGroup, spconv and ScanNet.


If you have any questions or suggestions about this repo or paper, please feel free to contact me in issue or email (eezhihaoliang@mail.scut.edu.cn).



If you find this work useful in your research, please cite:

  title={Instance Segmentation in 3D Scenes using Semantic Superpoint Tree Networks},
  author={Liang, Zhihao and Li, Zhihao and Xu, Songcen and Tan, Mingkui and Jia, Kui},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision},