GothenburgBitFactory / taskchampion-sync-server

The sync server for Taskchampion
MIT License
44 stars 8 forks source link
taskchampion taskwarrior

TaskChampion Sync-Server

TaskChampion is the task database Taskwarrior uses to store and sync tasks. This repository implements a sync server against which Taskwarrior and other applications embedding TaskChampion can sync.


This repository was spun off from Taskwarrior itself after the 3.0.0 release. It is still under development and currently best described as a reference implementation of the Taskchampion sync protocol.


From binary

Simply download latest release from releases page.

As container

To build the container execute the following commands.

source .env
docker build \
  --build-arg RUST_VERSION=${RUST_VERSION} \
  -t taskchampion-sync-server .

Now to run it, simply exec.

docker run -t -d \
  --name=taskchampion \
  -p 8080:8080 \

This start TaskChampion Sync-Server and publish the port to host. Please note that this is a basic run, all data will be destroyed after stop and delete container.

Persist data using a container volume

TaskChampion Sync-Server container image uses a volume /var/lib/taskchampion-sync-server to store database. You can exec the following to mount it in your host as persistent storage.

docker run -t -d \
  --name=taskchampion \
  -p 8080:8080 \
  -v /my/taskchampion-sync-server:/var/lib/taskchampion-sync-server \

Take note that you must create before the directory /my/taskchampion-sync-server and set ownership to UID/GID 100.

mkdir -p /my/taskchampion-sync-server
chown -R 100:100 /my/taskchampion-sync-server

From source

Installing Rust

TaskChampion Sync-Server build has been tested with current Rust stable release version. You can install Rust from your distribution package or use rustup.

rustup default stable

If you prefer, you can use the stable version only for install TaskChampion Sync-Server (you must clone the repository first).

rustup override set stable

Installing TaskChampion Sync-Server

To build TaskChampion Sync-Server binary simply execute the following commands.

git clone
cd taskchampion-sync-server
cargo build --release

After build the binary is located in target/release/taskchampion-sync-server.