Gowee / noisy-shuttle

Secure proxy service indistinguishable from whitelisted TLS website
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camouflage censorship-circumvention conjure gfw http-proxy noise-protocol proxy rfc8998 shadow-tls shadowsocks socks5 tls tunnel


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noisy-shuttle establishes an AEAD-encrypted secure tunnel with forward secrecy for circumventing Internet censorship. It is designed to be indistinguishable from TLS traffic with any chosen website for camouflage by copying authentic TLS handshake messages.

A shuttle server authenticates clients based on tokens piggybacked by some fields of TLS ClientHello and falling back to dumb relay when authentication failed, preventing active probing.

It is inspired by the brilliant idea of shadow-tls and built upon snow (the Rust implementation of Noise protocol).


Handshaking procedures



# server               listen_addr   camouflage_addr   password
./noisy-shuttle server www.example.com:443 Teap0taa -v

camouflage_addr is to where TLS handshaking requests from clients are forwarded and from where responses are forwarded backed to clients. Typically, it should be a well-known website that looks "innocent". Its port CANNOT be omitted.


# client                listen_addr        remote_addr             sni        password
./noisy-shuttle client server.addr.example:443 www.example.com Teap0taa -v

The client would serve a SOCKS5/HTTP (adaptive) proxy at listen_addr.

remote_addr is where the shuttle server is located.

sni should match camouflage_addr specified server-side.

Or optionally specifying a TLS fingerprint (chrome):

./noisy-shuttle client server.addr.example:443 www.example.com Teap0taa --tls-ja3 769,2570-4865-4866-4867-49195-49199-49196-49200-52393-52392-49171-49172-156-157-47-53,2570-0-23-65281-10-11-35-16-5-13-18-51-45-43-27-17513-2570-21,2570-29-23-24,0 --tls-alpn h2,http/1.1 --tls-sigalgos 1027,2052,1025,1283,2053,1281,2054,1537 --tls-versions 2570,772,771 --tls-keyshare 2570