Gowiem / Sisyphus

Northeastern Interactive Media Senior Capstone 2013 - 2014
MIT License
1 stars 1 forks source link


Local Development Prereqs

Getting localhost up and running

Open up a terminal (terminal.app on OSX) and input the following:

Running the server once you've installed everything

Once you've gotten all of the above working and you've been able to check out the site at localhost:3000 you'll only need to do the following two things to get the server running again.

Note: Above I refer to '~/Workspace/Sisyphus' as the directory where you cloned the project. This may be different depending on where you did git clone ....

Seed Data

User Testing Data

Now that we're user testing our project we need the project to start off in a blank state for our testers. To do that do the following:

Need some data?

Once you're all setup you can run the following command from the root directory of the project to populate your local database with seed data:

rake db:reset

Need to change the data for some reason?

Check out 'db/seeds.rb'. It's just a simple ruby file which you can probably figure out by looking at it and change it depending on what you want. If you change something however make sure to run rake db:reset again as this will populate your changes.

Useful Resources

For Designers

Note: all of these are fairly obvious as of right now, please feel free to add your own resources/tools here.

For Developers

Important Gems/Libraries we're using:

Ember, Ember-Data, Rails Example Apps:
