Gr770 / CK3-Community-Title-Project

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Sheet Moderation #48

Closed Charanraja123 closed 3 years ago

Charanraja123 commented 3 years ago

Okay. This is kind of a nuanced topic, and I am sharing my personal opinions on it.

The sheet needs to be cleaned up/pruned. There are lot of unnecessary entries. Definitions for rows are being misinterpreted (prince_rulers) and some duplicates too. Considering we have a sizable amount of entries and more on the way, this is high time we get it into a more organized state

Since we have already established some structure with the Mod side, i feel that should be reflected accurately in the sheet, since it is the best model we have.

For Example, There is no special column for an independent tribal ruler (he falls under principality). Why is there republic kingdoms?. I think that is so niche of a topic that it does not warrant a row for itself.

Also, it would be nice if someone else could take share the work with @Viridianus in organizing the sheet. I would like to know if you guys (especially @Viridianus) share this feeling of having someone else help him in maintaining the sheet might help.

These are all just opinions that I felt I could share, I apologize if I have offended anyone.

Charanraja123 commented 3 years ago
  1. It can work on anything, overwriting can be done for any key in the vanilla file which might cause issue with us. Eh.. Mahadevi is only use for Tamil, I'm very sure the Indian titles use Rajamatha (no Macrons/Diacritics/Accents idk which word to use xP)

  2. Yeah, four years of chemical engineering does that xP. Also you are right, I should have gone for _holder instead of _consort makes much more sense while coding. Check above point about India

That just feels wrong. I'd rather not have it lol. The tool tips already say your mother, So seems unnecessary.

Viridianus commented 3 years ago

Interlude: macron is the specific diacritic of a line above the letter, usually used for long vowels. Diacritic is a general term for all those signs you can append to a letter. Accent is either a phonological entity or a subset of diacritics traditionally associated with it (acute, grave and, for historical reasons, French accent circonflex like î; sometimes also weird tonal accents). End interlude.

  1. I see what's in there now, but are you sure that's what we should have?
  2. Please make a fix for that, yeah.

It's not only about your own mother, though :D There will be many kings and many mothers thereof.

Charanraja123 commented 3 years ago

Interlude helped, Thanks. I have a curious question though, may be a little off topic, is this word "accent" the inspiration of the other "Accent" (People have while talking based on their geographical region) or is it vice versa.

  1. I mean, I made a big post about how everything is India doesn't make any sense.
  2. Sure, after I finish Frankish

My vote for "Somethings" Mother flavourisation is a no. But maybe ask in the forum, Since most of the guys who are working on the sheet will have an opinion on it.

Viridianus commented 3 years ago

Vice versa - people with accent were thought to make strange accents ;)

  1. Yet rajamatha suddenly makes sense?)))

You ask, it's your pain)

Charanraja123 commented 3 years ago
  1. Someone Put it there for a reason , Maybe I just don't know enough

I'm going to just go with Queen Mother 20 prio, and leave it there until someone asks something.

palfourti commented 3 years ago

Rajamata is slightly different because it actually means king's mother, not queen mother :)

That said I only put it there because it seemed to have been an actual historical title rather than just a translation (then again so probably is every language's translation of queen mother), but I don't think its absence will be particularly missed. This was before I learned we weren't bothering with just straight translations of QM/consort for those titles as well.

Viridianus commented 3 years ago

If it's an actual historical title it deserves to remain, so the Indian situation is solved. Yet I actually think that many other entries in the row are just translations some overeager guy/gal made in order not to leave anything behind.

Charanraja123 commented 3 years ago

I can confirm that it is an Historical Title, and a quite popular one at that too, The doubt I had/have all across India, is whether every culture used the same thing. But that is a discussion for another place.

Charanraja123 commented 3 years ago

I mean if you want, we could not code in Queen mother for the time being. Or we could just put them in and then correct them later.

palfourti commented 3 years ago

At the very least the Romance ones are probably the most suspect since they seem to be the ones that also include literal translations for consorts (or DID include, it seems some of them have been cleaned up).

Charanraja123 commented 3 years ago

@palfourti are you the one reconstructing those Indian Culture titles? If you are, how confident are in those titles. I'm asking because I do not want to give people wrong/meaningless terms, which in a certain point of view might be worse than using a modern term. If @palfourti is not the guy working on them. @Viridianus , Can you verify them, I just want to make sure they are not bad reconstructions.

palfourti commented 3 years ago

Yes, I'm the one doing those, hopefully I explained myself well enough on the comments.

Gr770 commented 3 years ago

For Norse Culture week, I am going to leave the norse pagan area unhidden. @Viridianus hopefully shouldn't have to fix formatting errors from people rehiding the section

Viridianus commented 3 years ago

I sure hope so ;) Leaving our major Norse problems in the forum.

Viridianus commented 3 years ago

Empires of Russia and Khazaria (and everything before them) are crosschecked in EtB, as well as kingdoms of Mordvinia and Volga Bulgaria.

Charanraja123 commented 3 years ago

Moved to Discord