GrabarzUndPartner / nuxt-font-loader-strategy

Helps to load fonts and activate them by preloading.
MIT License
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font nuxt-module nuxtjs prefetch preload webfont webworker


:warning: This project is no longer maintained, because the concept is not suitable for global management of many fonts in larger projects. For this reason we have developed a new concept that guarantees smart, efficient and performant component-based font management even in larger websites. Please visit:

Grabarz & Partner - Module


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Helps to load the fonts and activate them by preloading.

nuxt-font-loader-strategy helps loading the fonts and provides a loading strategy based on preloads.

Define yourself which fonts will be unlocked first.
This gives the best experience in the initial viewport of the website.


⚠️ Configuration of the fonts must be included only in the module settings.

📖 Release Notes


  1. Add nuxt-font-loader-strategy dependency to your project
yarn add nuxt-font-loader-strategy # or npm install nuxt-font-loader-strategy
  1. Add nuxt-font-loader-strategy to the modules section of nuxt.config.js
  modules: [

    ['nuxt-font-loader-strategy', { 
        ignoreLighthouse: true,
        ignoredEffectiveTypes: ['2g', 'slow-2g'],
        fonts: [
          // Font
            fileExtensions: ['woff2', 'woff'],
            fontFamily: 'Font A',
            fontFaces: [
              // Font-Face
                preload: true,
                localSrc: ['Font A', 'FontA-Regular'],
                src: '@/assets/fonts/font-a-regular',
                fontWeight: 400,
                fontStyle: 'normal'
              // Font-Face
                localSrc: ['Font A Light', 'FontA-Light'],
                src: '@/assets/fonts/font-a-300',
                fontWeight: 300,
                fontStyle: 'normal'
              // Font-Face
                localSrc: ['Font A Light Italic', 'FontA-LightItalic'],
                src: '@/assets/fonts/font-a-300Italic',
                fontWeight: 300,
                fontStyle: 'Italic'
          // Font
            fileExtensions: ['woff2', 'woff'],
            fontFamily: 'Font B',
            fontFaces: [
              // Font-Face
                preload: true,
                src: '@/assets/fonts/font-b-regular',
                fontWeight: 400,
                fontStyle: 'normal'
              // Font-Face
                src: '@/assets/fonts/font-b-700',
                fontWeight: 700,
                fontStyle: 'normal'



Property Type Description Default
useWorker Boolean If set, the non-preloads (prefetches) are loaded via WebWorker. false
ignoreLighthouse Boolean If set, the non-preloads (prefetches) in Lighthouse are disabled (ignored). false
classPattern Boolean Font css class pattern. [family]_[weight]_[style]
importPathResolve Function Path resolve for font src: url(fontPath) Replace @/ to ~
requirePathResolve Function Path resolve for require(fontPath) no changes
ignoredEffectiveTypes Array List of excluded connection types. []
fonts Array List of included fonts. []
unlockDelay Number Delay in milliseconds for unlock prefetched fonts. 0
prefetchCount Number Defines how many fonts are prefetched at the same time.
Important: Lower than zero, everything is loaded at once.

Maximum expression classPattern


WebWorker useWorker

Look for compactability at

WebWorker is executed with the setting inline to reduce the script loads.


Property Type Description Default
fileExtensions Array Font-Family Name ['woff2', 'woff']
fontFamily String Font-Family Name ['2g', 'slow-2g']
fontFaces Array Font-Faces []


Property Type Description Default
preload Boolean Specifies whether font is loaded as preload. false
local Array List of local font names (System, etc.). []
src Array File Path without extension. null
fontVariant String CSS-Prop. font-variant 'normal'
fontFeatureSettings String CSS-Prop. font-feature-settings 'normal'
fontStretch String CSS-Prop. font-stretch 'normal'
fontWeight Number CSS-Prop. font-weight 'normal'
fontStyle String CSS-Prop. font-style 'normal'
fontDisplay String CSS-Prop. font-display 'swap'

⚠️ The first fileExtensions entry is used as preload.


On the HTML tag a class is set for each font file. This class then activates the set styles in the CSS.

The name of the font is specified in SnakeCase. (Example: Open Sans -> open_sans)

It is recommended to normalize the used tags.

Example: h1 has font-weight: bold as standard.

p {
  font-family: sans-serif;

html.font_open_sans p {
  font-family: 'Roboto', sans-serif;

For additional FontFaces, classes switch with the options weight and style.

p {
  font-family: sans-serif;

html.font_roboto_400_normal p.bold {
  font-family: 'Roboto', sans-serif;
  font-style: normal;
  font-weight: 400;

p.bold {
  font-family: sans-serif;
  font-style: normal;
  font-weight: 700;

html.font_roboto_700_normal p.bold {
  font-family: 'Roboto', sans-serif;

p.light {
  font-family: sans-serif;
  font-style: normal;
  font-weight: 300;

html.font_roboto_300_normal p.light {
  font-family: 'Roboto', sans-serif;

p.italic {
  font-family: sans-serif;
  font-style: italic;
  font-weight: 400;

html.font_roboto_400_italic p.italic {
  font-family: 'Roboto', sans-serif;

Browser Performance

alt text



  1. Clone this repository
  2. Install dependencies using yarn install or npm install
  3. Start development server using npm run dev


Preload Fonts

The options preload and prefetch are required for the link tag.

Not all browsers support this:

If not supported, all fonts are activated.

Deactivate fonts at low connection

Connection speed dependent font loading, requires the support of navigator.connection.effectiveType.

Can I use - effectivetype


MIT License