Stack Support was created by four brand-new software engineers who had a lot of questions. How do you decide between Front-End, Back-End, and Full-Stack career paths? What really matters on a resume for tech jobs? Should I be working on a back-end language like Ruby, GO or Python? Wouldn't it be great if there was someplace we could connect to more experienced developers and get some answers? Thus, Stack Support was born.
Try it for yourself!
Stack support is deployed through Heroku at:
[Images/video of onboarding form and quiz]
[images of mentor choices adn profile page with mentor added]
[image of chat with messages]
Node.js Open-source, back-end JavaScript runtime environment that allows for full-stack JavaScript applications.
Express A flexible, Node.JS web application framework for building single (and multi) page web applications.
Postgresql Open-Source Relational Database Library for real-time, bidirectional and event-based communication between the browser and the server.
Redux For React state management.
React Component-based library for building feature-rich, interactive user interfaces.
Passport.js, jsonwebtoken, bcrypt Libraries for site-based third-party login and authentication
Cloudinary Image hosting and upload
Formik Form management
mui React UI library
Explore the Code
npm install
and capstone-project-test
:Sync and seed your database by running npm run seed
Run npm run start:dev
to view the site on http://localhost:8080