Grammarsalad / Proficiencies

This is a mod that adds proficiencies and skills to the Enhanced Edition IE games (BGEE, BG2EE, and IWDEE).
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This mod aims to expand the proficiency system in Infinity Engine games, allowing characters to do things like treat injuries and afflictions with varying degrees of effectiveness. But this mod does not merely add ‘non-weapon proficiencies’. This is a top down revision of the proficiency system that allows characters to do things with their weapons previously impossible without specific magical weapons. Skilled characters can stun enemies with their blunt weapons, cause grievous bleeding wounds with their bladed weapons, and so on.

Proficiency Tables

Characters must select both weapon proficiencies and non-weapon proficiencies from the same pool. As such, characters receive many more proficiency points than in vanilla. While this may seem to be a boon, characters will soon discover that they will have to make hard choices as they level up.

Proficiency Overview

Proficiency Equipment Short Description
Simple Club, Dagger, Staff, Sling, Dart Repair and Construct; Combat Bonuses; Varies
Sword Longsword, Short Sword, Wakizashi, Ninja-to, Scimitar Repair and Construct; Combat Bonuses; Bleeding
Unarmed/Misc. Unarmed, Unarmored, Touch Spells Defense Bonuses (unarmored), Combat Bonuses (unarmed; Touch Spells)
Axe Axe, Throwing Axe Repair and Construct; Combat Bonuses; Bleeding
Greatsword Bastard Sword, Two-Handed Sword Repair and Construct; Combat Bonuses; Bleeding
Polearm Halberd, Spear Repair and Construct; Combat Bonuses; Knockback
Blunt Mace, Hammer, Morning Star, Flail Repair and Construct; Combat Bonuses; Daze
Bows/X-bows Longbow, Shortbow, Crossbow Repair and Construct; Combat Bonuses; Bleeding
Armor Armors (all) Repair and Construct; Defensive Bonuses; Effective use of Armor and Shields
Endurance Recover Stamina and HP; Bonus Hit Points
Heal Treat Injury; Treat Affliction; Cure Bonus
Herbalism Treatments, Remedies Craft Medical Items; Craft Potions; Use Poison
Alchemy Acid, A. Fire, Tanglefoot, etc. Construct Unique Items; Craft Concoctions
Implements Wands Use wands; Recharge Wands; Craft Wands
Mechanics Mechanical Items Craft and Use Mechanical Items; Skill Bonuses; Set Traps
Animal Handling Calm and Charm Beasts; Keep and Train Companions
Persuasion Conversation Options; Demoralize Opponent; Feint
Spellcraft Scrolls Use and Create Scrolls
Ritual Varies Varies by Class and Kit
Standard Fighting Styles Varies Unchanged
Ranged Fighting Style Ranged Items Ranged Bonuses; Defense Bonuses

Proficiency points by class

Class 1st Level Rate Multiclass 1st Level Rate
Fighter 8 1/2 lev Fighter/Mage 6 1/3 lev
Ranger 7 1/3 lev Fighter/Cleric 7 1/3 lev
Paladin 7 1/4 lev Fighter/Thief 7 1/3 lev
Thief 6 1/3 lev Fighter/Mage/Thief 6 1/3 lev
Bard 6 1/2 lev Mage/Thief 6 1/4 lev
Cleric 6 1/3 lev Cleric/Mage 5 1/4 lev
Druid 7 1/3 lev Cleric/Thief 6 1/3 lev
Shaman 7 1/3 lev Fighter/Druid 7 1/3 lev
Monk 6 1/2 lev Fighter/Mage/Cleric 6 1/4 lev
Wizard 4 1/4 lev Cleric/Ranger 6 1/4 lev
Sorcerer 6 1/3 lev

Max Rank by Level

1st Level 3rd Level 6th Level 9th Level Level 10+
2 3 4 5 7

Proficiency Maximums by Class and Kit

Weapon Proficiencies

Warriors Simple Sword Martial Arts Axe Greatsword Polearm Blunt Bow Armor Ranged
Fighter 5 5 2 5 5 5 5 5 5 3
- Barbarian 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3
- Berserker 5 5 2 5 5 5 5 1 5 0
- Kensai 7^ 7^ 5 7^ 7^ 7^ 7^ 0 0 0
- Wizard Slayer 5 5 2 5 5 5 5 5 5 3
- Defender 2 2 2 4 2 2 4 2 5 0
- Warmain° 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 5 3
- Savage° 5 0 3 0 0 5 5 5 1 3
- Marksman° 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 5 2 5
Ranger 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3
- Archer 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 5 1 5
- B. Master 2 0 2 0 0 2 2 0 1 3
- Stalker 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 3
Paladin 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3
- U. Hunter 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3
- Cavalier 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 0 3 0
- Inquisitor 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3
- B. Guard 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3
Rogues Simple Sword Martial Arts Axe Greatsword Polearm Blunt Bow Armor Ranged
Thief 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1
- Assassin 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1
- Swashbuckler 2 2 2 0 0 0 2 1 1 1
- B. Hunter 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1
- S. Dancer 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1
- Delver° 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1

° New (optional) kit

^ See individual class or kit description for further details.

Non-Weapon Proficiencies

Warriors End Heal Herb Alch Imp Mech A. Handle Spell Per Ritual
Fighter 5 5 1 0 0 3 2 0 5 1
- Barbarian 5 2 3 0 0 0 3 0 5 5
- Berserker 5 5 1 0 0 1 2 0 5 1
- Kensai 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 5
- W. Slayer 5 5 1 0 0 3 2 0 5 1
- Defender 5 5 1 0 0 3 2 0 5 1
- Warmain° 5 5 1 0 0 3 2 0 5 1
- Savage° 5 5 5 0 0 0 5 0 0 5
- Marksman° 5 5 1 0 0 3 2 0 5 1
Ranger 5 5 5 3 1 0 5 0 0 0
- Archer 5 5 5 3 1 0 5 0 0 0
- B. Master 7 5 5 3 1 0 5 0 0 0
- Stalker 5 5 5 3 1 0 5 0 0 0
Paladin 5 5 2 1 1 0 2 0 5 4
- U. Hunter 5 5 2 1 1 0 2 0 5 4
- Cavalier 5 5 2 1 1 0 2 0 5 4
- Inquisitor 5 5 2 1 1 0 2 0 5 4
- B. Guard 5 5 5 4 1 0 2 0 5 4
Rogues End Heal Herb Alch Imp Mech A. Handle Spell Per Ritual
Thief 2 1 5 3 4 5 0 5 5 0
- Assassin 2 1 5 5 4 5 0 5 5 0
- Swashbuckler 2 1 5 3 4 5 0 5 5 0
- B. Hunter 2 1 5 3 4 5 0 5 5 0
- S. Dancer 2 1 5 3 4 0 0 5 5 0
- Delver° 2 5 5 3 5 5 0 5 0 0

° New (optional) kit

Proficiency Descriptions

Characters can now learn something other than how to fight better. Characters can spend proficiency points in other proficiencies referred to as Non-Weapon Proficiencies (though often just called “skills”). Non-Weapon Proficiencies are associated with various attributes, and often that ability influences how effective the character is with the skill. Skill Attribute are as follows:

Ability Score Bonus
16 +1 or +5%
17 +2 or +10%
18 +3 or +15%
19+ +4 or +20%

Non-Weapon Proficiency Descriptions

Proficiency Name (Ability associated with proficiency)

Requirements: Proficiencies themselves do not have requirements, but certain uses of a given skill will have requirements. For example, generally only spellcasters can make use of alchemy to create potions.

Description text, and outline of Proficiency uses.

Proficiency Use Outlines a particular use of a given proficiency.

Alchemy (Intelligence)

Requirements: Concoct Elixir: Spellcaster or Concoct Elixir HLA

Alchemy involves advanced training in the handling of magical or quasi-magical substances that often have harmful or surprising effects.
Craft Alchemical Items Given time, magical skill and materials, an alchemist can concoct magical elixirs, which emulate spells. (see the section below on concoct elixir for details).

Even on the road, and without exotic materials, however, they always have a trick—or a bomb—up their sleeve that they can use in a pinch. Alchemists collect various regents in their travels and can use these regents to create 1 alchemical item per day per rank they have in Alchemy. These creations are unstable and do not last longer than 8 hours. Additionally, only characters trained in alchemy can use them. All effects can be avoided or lessened with a save vs. rod/staff/wand, though the save has a penalty equal to the Alchemists’ intelligence bonus. The items that the alchemist can create, and the number of ranks that are required for creation are as follows:

Alchemical item Requirements Damage Other
Acid, Makeshift 1 Rank 1d4+ Int Bonus acid per round (save neg) Burns for 1 round/rank
Alchemist’s Fire, Makeshift 1 Rank 2d3 fire/rank 5’ rad (save ½)

Acid, Makeshift: Acid burns, and can cause a lot of damage if left to burn over a period of time. Like alchemist fire, acid is carefully packed it into a breakable, usually glass, container. When throws it, the glass bursts open covering the target with burning acid. When hit, a target takes 1d4 + the creator's intelligence modifier of acid damage for a number of rounds equal to the number of ranks the crafter has in alchemy. Each round after the first, the target can save vs. wands to prevent further damage. STATISTICS:

Weight: 1

Special: Only safely usable by characters that have at least 1 rank in Alchemy.

Characters without the required skill level have a 50% chance of spilling some acid on themselves (suffering full damage with no save).

Alchemist's Fire, Makeshift: The paradigmatic alchemist's substance, Alchemist's Fire bursts into flames when exposed to air. The alchemist carefully packs it into a breakable, usually glass, container. When throws it, the glass bursts open, and the substance explodes damaging all nearby creatures in a mini explosion. Alchemists fire does fire damage equal to 2d3 per rank the character has in alchemy (save vs. wands for half damage with a penalty equal to the creator's intelligence bonus). STATISTICS: Weight: 1 Special: Only safely usable by characters that have at least 1 rank in Alchemy. Characters without the required skill level have a 50% chance of spilling some alchemist fine on themselves (suffering full damage with no save).


Brew Concoction Spell casters, and (if special conditions are met) other characters, can use this skill to brew concoctions. Concoctions are similar to potions in that they are magic liquids that can be used by anybody. However, drinking them is not generally recommended as they often have explosive properties. While

Endurance (Constitution)

Requirements: None

Endurance represents training to withstand heavy exertion and physical punishment. It is probably the quintessential proficiency of warriors, though a smattering of other classes can specialize in endurance. Characters trained in endurance can go farther, faster, and for longer periods than others. This nonweapon proficiency allows characters to take a ‘break’ to recover hit points and stamina. In addition, characters receive bonus maximum hit points equal to the number of ranks they possess in Endurance for each of their first five levels.

Second Wind Upon using this ability, the character takes a moment to catch breath. When does this, recovers a number of hit points equal to 25% +10% per rank has in Endurance (max +50% at 5 ranks), plus constitution modifier to hit point total. Additionally, fatigue level is reset to zero.

At 6 ranks, the character can try to purge their body of deleterious poisons. chance of success is 10% per rank has in Endurance plus Constitution modifier.

At 7 ranks, the character can try to purge their body of disease when they use Second Wind. chance of success is 5% per rank has in Endurance plus Constitution modifier.

This ability cannot be used in combat unless a character has attained 7 ranks in Endurance.

Effect: Heals 25% of target's max hit points, +10% per rank, plus Constitution Modifier.

Chance of Success: Poison (6 ranks) 10% per rank + Constitution Modifier. Disease (7 ranks) 5% per rank + Constitution Modifier.

Bonus Hit Points Characters receive a number of bonus hit points equal to the number of ranks they have in Endurance x their level, up to 5th level.

Heal (Wisdom)

Requirement: Cure Bonus: Ability to cast any Cure spell.

This skill represents training in the medical arts. Individuals trained in healing are able to quickly diagnose and treat various injuries and sicknesses, whether caused by blade, poison or disease. This skill is most commonly taken by clerics and priests. While they can invoke the power of their faith to heal the sick and wounded, they often also study the more mundane, but natural sciences to heal their flock so they do not bother their deity with lesser illnesses and wounds. Warriors’ violent occupation also leads them to study the healing arts. Occasionally, characters from other professions will learn this skill, though they are typically not as skilled in the healing arts as a priest or warrior.
This skill has a natural synergy with herbalism, and herbalists are able to create more effective remedies if they are trained healers (see the herbalism skill for details). Conversely, healers trained in herbalism are more effective at treating afflictions.

Treat Injury The healer can treat the injuries of allies on the fly with a healing kit. heals 5% of targets max hit points, +5% per rank (max 30% at 5 ranks). Additionally, successfully treated characters will find their healing rate improved (the rate depends upon the number of ranks of the healer; see below). This ability is not magical, and there is a chance that cannot help ally. The chance of success with a heal check is equal to 50% +5% per rank, plus Wisdom Bonus (max 95%).
Effect: Heals 5% of target's max hit points, +5% per rank. Chance of Success: 50%, +5% per rank, + the healer's wisdom bonus (i.e. percentage bonus). Special: Accelerated Healing rate: 1 rank: 1 hit point per 16 turns 2 ranks: 1 hit point per 8 turns 3 ranks: 1 hit point per 4 turns 4 ranks: 1 hit point per 2 turns 5 ranks: 1 hit point per turn.

Treat Affliction Especially skilled healers can use a healer's kit to treat any allies that have recently been afflicted with various toxic substances and debilitating magics. Upon attaining 5 ranks in Heal, gains the ability to Treat Afflictions.

To use Treat Affliction, the healer must make a healing check (see success rate below), when using a healing kit as normal. If succeeds, removes any poisons, intoxication, blindness or deafness from the target if has at least 5 ranks in Heal. If has 6 ranks in Heal, can also remove any disease from the target. Finally, if possesses 7 ranks in Heal, removes any paralysis or hold effect from the target.

Treating such afflictions is tricky, however, and the treatment is not always effective. The chance of success is equal to 10% +5% per rank in healing. Experts in herbalism are much more effective at treating afflictions. They receive a +5% bonus to their check for every rank they have in herbalism if they have 5 or more ranks in Herbalism.

Chance of Success: 10%, +5% per rank in Heal, + 5% per rank in Herbalism (5+ ranks). Effect: 5 Ranks: Treat Intoxication, Poison, Blindness and Deafness. 6 Ranks: Treat Diseases. 7 Ranks: Treat Paralysis and Hold.

Cure Bonus Healers that can also cast cure spells (any spell with the word “cure” in its title, except Cure Disease) are more capable if they are also trained in healing. Specifically, they cure an additional 2 points of damage for every rank they possess in in Heal.

Magical Implements (Varies)

Requirements: Recharge Wand: Spellcaster or Recharge Wand HLA. Craft Wand: Spellcaster or Craft Wand HLA

This proficiency allows characters to use, recharge and create wands. This proficiency works differently for different classes, and generally speaking, casting classes can make the most use of this proficiency (though, thieves can do almost everything a caster can do if they take the ‘Craft Wand’ High Level Ability.)

Use Magical Implements Characters can use wands of a tier value equal to the number of ranks they have in this proficiency. Wizards and Sorcerers are naturals when it comes to using arcane wands. As such, they can use any wand of any tier of an arcane nature. Similarly, clerics, druids and shaman can use divine wands with equal efficiency (This does not apply to Bards, Rangers or Paladins. They need this proficiency to use wands normally). This application of the Magical Implements proficiency allows them to use wands of the other magical type, however.

Recharge Magical Implements Characters can recharge magical implements using this proficiency, as well. Except for characters with the Recharge Wand high level ability, or non-casters with the right scroll and Read Magic Proficiency, only spellcasters can recharge wands, however. Typically, clerics, druids, shaman, wizards and sorcerers can recharge a wand even without proficiency in Magical Implements, but only if they have a particular spell memorized as determined by the wand creation chart below. With ranks in this proficiency, however, spellcasters need only have a spell memorized of a level equivalent to the specified spell. Further, arcane casters can recharge divine wands, and divine casters can recharge arcane wands if they have the requisite wisdom, or intelligence or if they have the required charisma. Specifically, non-divine casters must have a wisdom or charisma of 10 + the tier of the wand to recharge divine wands. Similarly, divine casters need an intelligence or charisma of 10 + the tier of the wand to recharge arcane wands. If they have the requisite ability score, and a spell of the requisite level, casters can recharge wands in this way equal to a tier equal to the number of ranks in this proficiency that they have. Any character can recharge a wand if they have a scroll that casts the correct spell (again, as per the chart below) that they can use.

Non-casters can recharge wands if and only if they have the Recharge Wand High Level Ability. Such characters need only spend the required experience points to recharge a wand.

To recharge a wand, characters need the right materials (see below), and they need to expend an amount of experience points equal to 1/2 the required xp total that would be required to create the wand in the first place. Characters cannot recharge a wand if they don't have the required materials or xp.

Craft Magical Implements Spellcasting characters, and non-spellcasters with the Craft Wand High Level Ability, can craft magical implements using this proficiency, as well. Characters can craft a wand of a tier equal to the number of ranks they have in Magical Implements, though they cannot actually craft wands until they have 4 ranks in the Implements Proficiency. In order to create a wand, the characer has to meet the requirements as per the table below:

Wand Tier Required Spell(s) (Craft) Material (Craft) Material (Recharge) XP (Craft) XP (Recharge)
Wand of Missiles 1 Magic Missile Something Cheapish Something Cheapish 50 25

Known Issues

Because of the way that they are implemented, it is possible that some of the passive bonuses, such as the HP bonus from Endurance, will not be properly applied.

You should be able to fix this by using the innate ability, "Use and Manage Proficiencies".