Grasscutters / Cultivation

A custom launcher designed to make it as easy as possible to proxy anime game traffic to private servers.
Apache License 2.0
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Um, where's the proxy? #25

Closed AZthemute closed 2 years ago

AZthemute commented 2 years ago

After downloading the newest release and starting the game on Grasscutter, the proxy just... doesn't start? And obviously I can't connect to the server. This isn't a problem with my game or internet connection because using Grassclipper works just fine...

Edit: The console window shows that I am connected to the proxy, but clearly I'm not because nothing works properly.

KingRainbow44 commented 2 years ago

did you run cultivation as administrator? potentially a registry edit wasn't made

AZthemute commented 2 years ago

did you run cultivation as administrator? potentially a registry edit wasn't made

When I installed and ran Cultivation, it asked to install a certificate, which I did. Nothing happened. image This is all the console shows.

SpikeHD commented 2 years ago

Try connecting again, and when connected, check your Windows proxy settings to see if they're set.

AZthemute commented 2 years ago

Try connecting again, and when connected, check your Windows proxy settings to see if they're set.

I have to decline the UAC prompt when starting the game in order for the setting to actually change.

SpikeHD commented 2 years ago

Oh! Super interesting, I will take a look sometime and see why that's the case

AZthemute commented 2 years ago

Did you test your own build before uploading it? The problem could just be that the build I downloaded was broken, but I'm not building this from source.

SpikeHD commented 2 years ago

You are welcome to build from source if you’d like, or try a previous version, otherwise I will look into it today at some point

AZthemute commented 2 years ago

Same results in the previous version except declining the UAC prompt doesn't change my proxy settings any more. So... this probably is just my problem somehow.

AZthemute commented 2 years ago

Started Cultivation from source code (latest commit) and I'm still getting these problems. This... probably is just my problem, though if people understand why this is happening... I'd appreciate it

SpikeHD commented 2 years ago

If you could provide logs, try some debugging, see if your Windows proxy settings are being set properly upon connecting, etc. that would be super helpful in helping me understand :smile:, as I have never encountered this issue myself

AZthemute commented 2 years ago

I already posted logs (if console is what you mean) earlier. They weren't for the current commit but I seem to no longer be able to run Cultivation so...

Also for the record, the proxy did get set as http=;https=

AZthemute commented 2 years ago

This is definitely my problem since even using Grassclipper doesn't work. For some reason the proxy server just... closes instantly. I don't know any reason for this as I've barely messed with proxy servers recently. It just... gets terminated when the game starts, and the game doesn't even start, but my windows proxy settings change correctly? What on earth even is happening any more... [why do I keep having simple problems]

SpikeHD commented 2 years ago

Haha, I can't say I know what's going on but those extra details do help. Are you running with yarn start:dev or just via building and then running the exe?

If running with yarn start:dev are there any logs/panics/anything being logged when you try to connect and run the game?

AZthemute commented 2 years ago

Haha, I can't say I know what's going on but those extra details do help. Are you running with yarn start:dev or just via building and then running the exe?

If running with yarn start:dev are there any logs/panics/anything being logged when you try to connect and run the game?

I'm doing both. image Well, this doesn't help does it? Sigh, time to build for release...

also I managed to find out that the proxy server being killed was related to a firewall rule I have to block the game from using my internet, weird part is that I enable the firewall rule for my 2.8 genshin and still my 2.7 genshin kills the proxy. Then I have to restart my pc

Okay, I managed to build debug properly: image image This is all that really happened.

AZthemute commented 2 years ago

I realised that 2.8 is not officially supported and my screenshot was of 2.8, so I tried 2.7. The video best describes my issue.

SpikeHD commented 2 years ago

In the instance of that error, disable encryption (via Cultivation OR by setting useEncryption and useInRouting in your server config to false), and make sure HTTPS is off when connecting (both must be done to prevent this issue, I will likely be pushing a change to automatically disable encryption in the configuration at some point)

AZthemute commented 2 years ago

Feels a bit weird to not use HTTPS, but it works which is the most important part. Is this an issue that will be fixed eventually or is it impossible to fix?

SpikeHD commented 2 years ago

It's not an issue to not be using HTTPS, you will still need to enable it to connect to external servers anyways so there is no security implication. I mentioned before that I will be likely adding an automatic server configuration change but that is probably about the extent we'll be taking.

AZthemute commented 2 years ago

Alright I see, thanks for the help!