Grasscutters / Cultivation

A custom launcher designed to make it as easy as possible to proxy anime game traffic to private servers.
Apache License 2.0
946 stars 159 forks source link

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A game launcher designed to easily proxy traffic from anime game to private servers.

Table Of Contents

Client Patching Notice

For game versions 3.1 and above, Cultivation automatically makes a small patch to your game client when launching using Grasscutter, and restores it upon closing the game. In theory, you should still be totally safe, however it would be dishonest to not explicitly state that modifying the game client could, theoretically, lead to a ban if you connect to official servers with it. It is extremely unlikely AND there are no instances known of it happening, but the possibility exists.


Find release builds here!

Download and open the MSI, and once installed, run Cultivation as administrator. Refer below for more detailed setup instructions.

Windows 7 Users: You will need to download WebView2 manually, and download the .zip instead of the .msi.


5-minute video for those who don't like to/cannot read:


White screen, insta-crash or something similar

Internet not working after use

Please allow the Cultivation window to pop back up once you have quit out of the game. This tells you that it knows you closed the game, and that it has reverted your proxy settings. If you have closed Cultivation before this happens, or have had some other issue with your internet, go to your proxy settings in Windows and disable the "Manual proxy setup".

Developer Quickstart



For a release build,

For a debug build,

Code Formatting and Linting


Check Lints, fix (some) lints:

Generating Update Artifacts

The update will be at src-tauri/target/(release|debug)/msi/


A full theming reference can be found here!


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