This plugin monitors the last line (PS1) of each terminator terminal, and applies a host-specific profile if the hostname is changed.
The plugin simply parses the PS1-evaluated last line and matches it against a regex "[^@]+@(\w+)" ((e.g. user@host) to find hostname.
Once an hostname is found, the plugin tries to match it against the profiles.
Profiles might be :
The configuration allow to create matching rules for hostname pattern against profile.
PS1 might be displayed in more than one line, for instance if :
E.g. :
[user@host very/long/path] /dev/pts/42
[user@host a/very/very/long/and/annoying/psychopathic/library/of/whatever/appl
We search the first line of PS1 by searching back for last LF character in terminal history from current cursor position. The line following that LF is the PS1 first line, expected to contain 'user@host' pattern.
To avoid unecessary treatment, a minimal prompt length might be set, mandatory if two-lines PS1 is used. A minimal line length is also set up, to avoid unecessary pattern search for short lines, or lines being typed and not complete.
Profile name is a plain name (the hostname), or a regexp. The plugin checks for exact match between hostname and profile, or profile pattern and hostname.
Put the
in /usr/share/terminator/terminatorlib/plugins/
or ~/.config/terminator/plugins/
. This can be done using
, which if run using sudo will default to installation at /usr/share/terminator/terminatorlib/plugins/
or if run as user, will install to ~/.config/terminator/plugins/
Minimal configuration : create a profile in Terminator to match your hostname. If you have a server that displays user@myserver ~ $
, for instance, create a profile called myserver
Plugins section in .config/terminator/config
# Matches PS1. The first regex group is treated as the hostname and used to match the
# profile name or the profile_patterns.
patterns = [^@]+@([-\d\w]+)
# Matches a hostname regex to a Terminator profile, format: <pattern>:<profile>,...
profile_patterns = ([\w\d]+-mysql-prd-\d+|swift-prod-\d+):prod
The following keys are available :
key : patterns
value : a regex list. Default if not set : "[^@]+@(\w+)" (e.g. user@host)
Don't forget to create a group in the regex for the host
field (with ()
), otherwise no hostname can be extracted from regex.
E.g :
patterns = "[^@]+@(\w+):([^#]+)#", "[^@]+@(\w+) .+ \$"
key : profile_patterns
value : dict-like list, pattern:profile
. Default if not set : None
E.g :
profile_patterns = "jenkins":"inf","^itg-*":"itg","^ip-10-1-*":"itg","^ns[0-9]+":"ovh","^sd-[0-9]+":"ovh","aramis":"local"
Profiles are searched in order : first by profile patterns, then by profile name, used as patterns also (so be carefull with mixed-up config)
Adapt this to your usual prompt length. If PS1 is a two lines prompt (see above), might be 2 chars (prompt char+space).
key : prompt_minlen
value : integer. Default if not set : 3
E.g :
prompt_minlen = 8
Adapt this to your usual PS1 length.
key : line_minlen
value : integer. Default if not set : 10
E.g :
line_minlen = 15
key : failback_profile
value : string. Default if not set : 'default'
E.g :
failback_profile = servers
Development resources for the Python Terminator class and the 'libvte' Python bindings can be found here:
For terminal.* methods, see:
apt-get install libvte-dev; less /usr/include/vte-0.0/vte/vte.h
For terminal.get_vte().* methods, see:
apt-get install libvte-dev; less /usr/share/pygtk/2.0/defs/vte.defs
To debug the plugin, start Terminator from another terminal emulator like this:
$ terminator --debug-classes=HostWatch
That should give you output like this:
HostWatch::load_profile_mappings: profile mapping : jenkins -> itg
HostWatch::load_profile_mappings: profile mapping : ^itg-* -> itg
HostWatch::load_profile_mappings: profile mapping : ^ip-10-1-* -> itg
HostWatch::load_profile_mappings: profile mapping : aramis -> local
HostWatch::get_last_line: line below prompt min size of 6 chars : must iterate back '
HostWatch::get_last_line: line below prompt min size of 6 chars : must iterate back '$
HostWatch::check_host: match search pattern : ^\[[a-zA-Z0-9-]+@([a-zA-Z0-9-]+) * ([devel@aramis ~/.config/terminator/plugins] 14:47:50 0 /dev/pts/11) ->aramis
HostWatch::check_host: matching profile 'local' found : line '[devel@aramis ~/.config/terminator/plugins] 14:47:50 0 /dev/pts/11' matches prompt pattern '^\[[a-zA-Z0-9-]+@([a-zA-Z0-9-]+) *' and profile pattern 'aramis'
HostWatch::check_host: setting profile local
The plugin was developed by GratefulTony (, and extended by Philipp C. Heckel (
The plugin is licensed as GPLv2 only.