GravityKit / GravityView

The best and easiest way to display Gravity Forms entries on your website.
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Edit Entry doesn't respect File Upload's Maximum Number of Files setting #2086

Open rafaehlers opened 1 month ago

rafaehlers commented 1 month ago


I was able to upload more files than what was set in Gravity Forms:


Bonus: When working on this bug, see if this can also be fixed in the same attempt:

rafaehlers commented 1 month ago

mrcasual commented 1 month ago

@omarkasem, please work on this.

zackkatz commented 1 month ago

@rafaehlers Please share any related snippets.

rafaehlers commented 1 month ago

Not exactly related, but deal with files uploaded on the edit entry page:

add_filter( 'gform_validation_30', 'custom_validation_filename', 11 ); // Change 30 to your form ID

function custom_validation_filename( $validation_result ) {
    $form           = $validation_result['form'];
    $uploaded_files = [];

    // Multi-file upload field.
    if ( ! empty( $_POST['gform_uploaded_files'] ) ) {
        $uploaded_files = json_decode( stripslashes( $_POST['gform_uploaded_files'] ), true );

    // Single file upload field.
    if ( ! empty( $_FILES ) ) {
        foreach ( $_FILES as $input => $file_data ) {
            if ( isset( $uploaded_files[ $input ] ) ) {

            // Normalize single file uploads to match multi-file structure.
            $uploaded_files[ $input ] = [
                [ 'uploaded_filename' => $file_data['name'] ?? '' ]

    if ( empty( $uploaded_files ) ) {
        return $validation_result;

    foreach ( $uploaded_files as $input => $files_data ) {
        $field_id = str_replace( 'input_', '', $input );
        $field    = GFAPI::get_field( $form, $field_id );

        if ( ! $field ) {

        foreach ( $files_data as $file_data ) {
            if ( ! preg_match( '/[¹²³–]/', $file_data['uploaded_filename'] ) ) {

            $validation_result['is_valid'] = false;
            $field->failed_validation      = true;
            $field->validation_message     = 'Nome do arquivo não deve conter caracteres especiais.';

    return $validation_result;
omarkasem commented 1 month ago

@mrcasual Please check the comments on the PR here

rafaehlers commented 2 weeks ago

Reopening because while we made some advances here, it's still not good enough.

Here's a new video explaining what's going on:

We need to:

Correcting these two items above will prevent the bug shown in the video.