GraylinKim / sc2reader

A python library that extracts data from various Starcraft II resources to power tools and services for the SC2 community. Who doesn't want to hack on the games they play?
MIT License
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"TypeError: ord() expected a character, but string of length 0 found" in v0.6.5 #184

Open AldoErco opened 9 years ago

AldoErco commented 9 years ago

Hi. I am trying to decode s2gs files on Mac using sc2printer builtin script and get this error: "AttributeError: 'ByteDecoder' object has no attribute 'read_unit64'" It's related to line 371 of where I can see: "data = self._buffer.read_unit64()" Reading the docs ("") on page 19 claims ByteDecoder is expected to have a read_uint64() and not a read_unit64() member. Ok so I unpack the .egg file, change that line and repack it. This is just a hint to you to fix it on your currently (0.6.5) published files. But now to the error I can't fix myself. This time I try to open a replay and get: "File "/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/sc2reader-0.6.5-py2.7.egg/sc2reader/", line 339, in read_struct TypeError: ord() expected a character, but string of length 0 found" The code line is: "datatype = ord( if datatype is None else datatype" This time I don't know what to do.

Please help.

AldoErco commented 9 years ago

I follow up as requested by Graylin here (!topic/sc2reader/FWzsVh5wQZ4)

It's not an occasional error, I am getting this on 45 files on a total of 117. I can provide them all if you need. Can I attach files here, or images only?

GraylinKim commented 9 years ago

If you rename to an image you can technically attach anything. Post a zip of the affected files somewhere and I'll take a look this week.

AldoErco commented 9 years ago

Ok the files are here:

or here:

The zipfile contains two self-explanatory directories "Error" and "Success".

Thanks a lot.