Greedquest / ListObject-WithEvents

Create a list-object events listener package
MIT License
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Work in progress: some to-be-implemented events (e.g. multiple rows/cols added at once) currently will trigger Debug.Asserts rather than gracefully failing. As a result this code is not safe for use in the wild. My recommendation is to replace the Debug.Assert False lines in the [Default/NoCache]Categoriser.cls with events.RaiseDataValueChanged target to raise a generic event, if you want to use this code right now. Many events are implemented (see


Get events when your Excel Tables (ListObjects) expand to hold new data, values change, rows are added and deleted and more...

This repo follows Test Driven Development. As such all of its features are self documenting:


Clone Repo or download as Zip (see for details on Zip download). Then add all the files to your project by clicking and dragging onto the project explorer. Ignore .doccls files and _tests files unless testing (see below).

Private WithEvents fooTableEvents As TableWatcher

Sub StartListening()
   Set fooTableEvents = TableWatcher.Create(Sheet1.ListObjects("foo"))
End Sub

Private Sub fooTableEvents_RowAppended(ByVal where As ListRow)
  Debug.Print "New Row added to table Foo -"; where.DataBodyRange.Address
End Sub

Cache vs NoCache

The constructor optionally takes a categoriser - an object which converts Worksheet_Change events into TableWatcher events.

TableWatcher.Create(ByVal srcTable As ListObject, Optional ByVal eventsCategoriser As IWorksheetChangeCategoriser)

2 categorisers are provided to get you started:

  1. DefaultCategoriser which is the default, provides the richest set of events. However it keeps track of the dimensions of the ListObject to achieve this - if Application.EventsEnabled = False and a modification is made to the table then the categoriser gets out of sync and may miscategorise events.
  2. NoCacheCategoriser has a smaller subset of events which it raises, but is stateless so doesn't suffer from any cache invalidation if Application.EventsEnabled is toggled on/off. (Of course, no events will be triggered when Application.EventsEnabled = False by either categoriser)


If you wish to run the RD unit tests, you must create a new workbook with 2 sheets. Set the Name and CodeName properties of the 2 sheets to TestSheet and DemoSheet respectively. In RD right click in the project explorer and choose Sync->Replace Contents from Files and select the entire src directory. This will import all the code including the document modules. Finally create a new excel table on DemoSheet it must have at least 3 rows and 3 columns for the tests to run and set its name to DemoTable. The Unit tests should then all run successfully.