GreenNinjaBoy / Scottish-Gems-PP4

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# Scottish Gems **Created By Jamie Connell** **Student Of Code Institute 2024**

Responsive Image


Scottish Gem is a site created as a place people can share their recommendations of places around Scotland which are not common knowledge. Places that brought happiness and amazement to those who shared.

The users this site is aimed at are as follows:

Table of contents

Please Click the arrow to see full table of contents - [Project Goals](#Project-Goals) - [Agile Development](#Agile-Development) - [User Stories](#User-Stories) - [User Experience](#user-experience-ux-design) - [Wireframes](#Wireframes) - [Navigation](#Navigation) - [Data Schema](#Data-Schema) - [Color Scheme](#Color-Scheme) - [Google API](#Sharing-Gem-With-aid-from-google-API) - [Color Scheme](#Color-Scheme) - [Typography](#Typography) - [Features](#Features) - [Homepage](#Home-Page) - [Navigation Bar](#Navigation-Bar) - [Login](#Login) - [Signup](#Signup) - [Logout](#Logout) - [User Messages](#User-Messages) - [Share Your Gem](#Share-Your-Gem) - [Favorites](#Favorites) - [Select by Region](#Select-by-Region) - [Known Bugs](#Known-Bugs) - [500 error during user signout](#500-error-during-user-signout) - [500 error during user attempting to add a "Gem"](#500-error-during-user-attempting-to-add-a-"Gem") - [## Images displayed on the base.html page](#Images-displayed-on-the-base.html-page) - [Future Features](#Futrue-Development.) - [Technologies Used](#Technologies-Used) - [APIs Used](#APIs-Used) - [Testing](#Testing) - [Code Valitdation](#Code-Valitdation) - [HTML](#HTML) - [CSS](#CSS) - [Python](#Python) - [Python Unit Testing](#Python-Unit-Testing) - [Testing with Pep8](Testing-with-Pep8) - [JavaScript](#JavaScript) -[Testing with JsHint](#Testing-with-JsHint) - [Manual Testing](Manual-Testing) - [Deployment](#Deployment)

Project Goals

The goals that I have set out for the site's functionality are:

Agile Development

User Stories

A kanban board in Github Projects was used for the Agile development process - see the board here. 'user Stories' were used and these were broken down into 'Tasks'.

User Experience (UX Design)


Balsamiq Wireframes were used to map out the design of the application.


Desktop Wireframe ![Desktop wireframe](
Mobile ![Mobile Wireframe](


Plaese see below a Navigational Flow Chart showing what was aimed for when creating the website.

Flow Chart Diagram ![Flow chat diagram](


ERD ![Data Schems]( This can be generated within the terminal by using the following commands: 1. Enter the following command: "pip install pip install django-extensions" 2. Within the 'INSTALLED_APPS' section of the ensure 'django_extensions', is present. 3. Enter the following command: "pip install pygraphviz" 4. Enter the following command: "./ graph_models -a -g -o my_project_visualized.png" Now a .png image will be generated from python showing you ERD.

Sharing Gem With aid from google API

When a user is looking to share a "Gem" that they have discovered they can do so with the aid of Google's Plcae API and autocomplete features. When a use begins to input a place that they have discovered google will begin to display suggestions to the user and when the user clicks on the place that they have discovered. Then with the aid of google autocomplete feature the full address and post/zip code is automatically filled in leaving with the user to upload their own images and which region they were in when they discovered the gem.

Color Scheme

The color palette below was generated with the help of Coolors

Color Palette ![Color Palette Image]( The color scheme was chosen to give the user a more authentic Scottish experience as these colors are generally associated with Scotland.


The typography used for the project was produced from google fonts and the chosen text was "Merriweather". Again this was used to give that more authentic Scottish look and feel to the user.

Google Fonts Used ![Google fonts image](


Home Page

The home page is presented to the user with posts already shown by other users and user can click on these posts to view it in more detail. If a user has not got a sign in then the only items available to them on the navbar are "home" "select by region" and the sign in button.

Navigation Bar

The navigation bar is comprised of two views. One view is displayed to a user who is either no to the site or has not yet signed in. The second view is for the users who have signed onto the page and is then presented with two options.

Navigation bar when user is not signed in:

navigation bar pre user sign in

Navigation bar when a user is signed in.

Nacigation bar post user sign in


When a user decides to log in they are presented with the following screen.

Login Display ![Log in display](


If a user does not already have an account they can create one by clicking the link shown in the previous image which will bring them to the following page.

SignUp Display ![Signup Display](

Log Out

When a user decides to Log Out they can click the "signout" button on the navigation bar and is then presented with the following screen

Log Out Display ![Log Out Display]( - Please note that the Log Out display has has slight style changes since this photo was uploaded.

User Messages

When ever a user completes a task they are met with a brief message. These Messages can be seen down below:

Successful Login / Signup ![Successful Login](
Successful Log Out ![Successful Log Out](
Successful Share Gem ![Successful add Gem](
Successful Delete Gem ![uccessful Delete Gem](
Successful add to favorites ![Successful add favorites](
Successful remove from favorites ![Successful Remove From Favorites](
Successful add comment ![Successful add comment](
Successful edit comment ![Succseeful Edit Comment](
Successful delete comment ![Successful Delete Comment](

Share Your Gem

The original concept for this page was that a user could input their information into a form. However after a lot of trial and error it was decided that this would not be user friendly. And as previously mentioned inspiration came form another students similar project (Magical Places) and the can now add a place by simply searching for their gem in the search field which by powered by Google Places Autocomplete to suggest existing gems. Once the user clicks on a suggested place, the hidden form is automatically filled in by JavaScript, from the data provided by the Google Places API.



The ability for a user has been split into two main parts. Users can see which posts they have selected as their favorites from the main landing page. Or the user can select the "favorites" tab within the navigation tab and they will be brought to a page where they are able to view posts that they have marked as their favorites. The user can decided to set a favorite post from the home page and unfavorite from either the home page or within their favorites page.

Posts on main home page is user has not selected it as a favorite.

Favorites section within navbar ![favorites section within navbar](
If post is not a favorite shown on homepage ![if a post is unfavored within the main page](
If a post is a favorite shown on hompage ![if a post has been set as favorite.](
Users favorites shown on the "favorites.html page" ![favorites.html page](

Select by Region

The select by region function was put in place as this app was intended to cover the whole of Scotland. This would make it easier for the user to filter the Gem Posts in the home page to the region that they were interested in. This feature remains on the navigation bar for users who are and are not signed into the site.

Region selection from dropdown menu ![Region selection dropdown menu](

Known Bugs

500 error during user signout. One of the bug found during development was that when a user was attempting to logout of their account, a 500 error was flagged. This meant that there was an issue internally with the server. - To fix this trouble shooting and debugging of both the Python and JavaScript codes were done to ensure that they were not the main cause of the user recieving this error. There was nothing found within these. - After a bit of advice from a friend I decided to look at the Signout.html code. I commented out the entire code and left a single message that read "this is the signout page". When the page was refreshed the message displayed to the user. I then began to uncomment each section of my html code and refreshed the server until the 500 error was flagged. It was indead the case that the way my HTML code was written was the reason that my app was recieving the internal 500 error. I altered the code to fix the issue and this fixed the error that was being recieved.
500 error during user attempting to add a "Gem" Another bug found during the development of the project was that when a user clicked on the "Share your Gem" on the nav bar, a 500 error was flagged. Again this meant that there was an internal issue with the server. - To fix this I performed the same stages as mentioned earlier and again it was my HTML code that was causing this issue and as mentioned before the HTML code was altered and this fixed the issue with the user being able to share a "Gem".
Images displayed on the base.html page A really big issue/bug that was discovered was to do with the images displayed to users on the base.html page. - These images were automatically produced during the "Share you Gem" functionallity and then would be displayed for all users to see. - However it seems that there was a limit on how many times an API request could be made to Google to have these images constantly displayed to users and after around 4-5 days the image would expire leaving the posts with the image shown below. - There was many different approaches to attempt to fix this issue before submission with each unfotunitaly yeilding in the same results. - Some of which were: - Creating a function with JavaScript to use the Google_Place_ID as a reference to make an image request everytime the page was loaded. (Unsuccessful) - Creating a function using the backend (Python) to capture the image and create a custom URL which then would be displayed to the user (Unsuccessful) After multiple attempts a function is now in place using the backend database and python to use the google_place_id to make a request to the API to generate/renew the photo_reference if the google_place_id is older that 12 hours old. **Please note that although this was working during the time of submission there is still a possibility that the photo_reference could still expire**

Bugs Still to Address

Select by region options only present on home page and favorites page Another bug that was found was when a user was either in their "favorites" page or the "share your gem" page then the dropdown for the "Region Selection" did not display the regions to the user. This is a bit inconveniant especially with the favorites page as the user should also be able to filter their favorites by region, if they were looking for a specific place. - This has yet to be fixed and was sadly unable to be accomplished prior to project submission.

After all the above was fixed to the best of my abilities, to my knowledge there are currently no other bugs within the project

Futrue Development.

Any future develop of the page may include the following.

Technologies Used

APIs Used

Python Packages Used


Code Valitdation


The HTML for the HTTML files Scottish Gems Project was put through the W3C Markup Validation Servie and the results can be seen below.

W3C Validator Results ![HTML Validator Results](


The CSS for the Scottish Gems Project was put through the []() and the results can be seen below.

W3C CSS Validator Results ![HTML Validator Results](


Python Unit testing

Unit testing was created and carried out based on the following:, and Each test is stored within a directory within this scottish_gems app entitled "tests" and imageas of these results can be seen below.

terminal command to run test: python3 test scottish_gems.tests.test_forms ![ unit test reults](
terminal command to run test: python3 test scottish_gems.tests.test_models ![ unit test reults](
terminal command to run test: python3 test scottish_gems.tests.test_views ![ unit test reults](

Testing with Pep8

All python code was tested using Code Institutes Python Linter Tester. You can see images of the results below Pep8 results ![admin.py_Pep8 results]( Pep8 results ![ test image]( Pep8 results ![ Pep8 image]( Pep8 results ![ Pep8 image](
gem_place Pep8 results ![gem_place Pep8 image]( Pep8 results ![ Pep8 image]( Pep8 results ![ Pep8 image]( Pep8 results ![ Pep8 image]( Pep8 results ![ Pep8 image](


Testing with JsHint

All JavaScript files were ran through JSHint. The results can be seen below.

add-gem-form.js JSHint results ![add-gem-form.js test image](
back-btn.js JSHint results ![back-btn.js test image](
comments.js JSHint results ![comments.js test image](
messages.js JSHint results ![messages.js test image](
script.js JSHint results ![script.js test image](

Please note that the errors shown on the above JS tests were beacauseof the following

Manual Testing

Manual Testing was done to test that each feature/function worked as it should and also to ensure that only the user who was the 'Author' of either a gem being shared or a comment who could either have the ability to delete or edit what they have shared. The results of this can be seen below.

Nav Bar Testing

Manual Testing of Nav Bar Features | Feature |Desired Outcome |Actual Outcome | Test Done to achieve Actual Outcome |--|--|--|--| | Nav Bar (when user not signed in) | Only The home button, select a region button and log in button are displayed. | The Actual outcome is the same as the Desired Outcome. | Ensured no users were signed in and checked nav bar for display. |Nav Bar (when User is singed in)| New options are presented to user to view posts they have marked as their favorites and also to share their own gems they have discovered.|The Actual outcome for this is the same as the desired outcome. |Signed in as a user and checked the nav bar display to ensure additional options were visible. |Log In Button on navbar| When clicked the user is the redirected to the desired "login" html page. | When the user click this button they are redirected to the "login html page.| Ensured no user was logged in and clicked the login button on navbar.

Login/ Logout Testing

Manual Testing of Login/Logout Features | Feature |Desired Outcome |Actual Outcome | Test Done to achieve Actual Outcome |--|--|--|--| Login Page | When the user is at this page they can use their credentials to sign into page.| when the user inputs their credentials they are successfully signed into their account. | For this inital test was conduced with the "super-user" account and then several accounts were created to test all tests worked as expected. |Sign in Page | When a user does not have an account they can click on the sign up option within the "login" page and will be redirected to the sign in page. | When clicked the sign up button successfully re directs the user to the sign up page. | Click the desired button on different occasions and the user was successfully redirected to signup page. |Creating a user account. |when the user is within the sign up page, they input their desired username and password and click sign up. |User inputs desired username and password and their user account is created. | Several different accounts names and passwords were used to test this feature. Duplicated usernames were also tried and an error message presented to the user to inform that the desired username already exists. | Log out button on nav bar | Once a user had either signed in or created and account the login button that was on the nav bar has changed to a logout button for the user. | Once the user has signed in/ created an account then the login button does change into the logout button. | This was tested by signing into the several accounts that were created for the testing purposes and each one was successful for the desired outcome. | logout function | when the user clicks on the logout button within the navbar they are then redirected to the sign out confirmation page. | when the user does click the log out button they are redirected to the logout confirmation page. | This was tested using the several different user accounts created and each one was a success in redirecting the user to the logout confirmation page. |Logout confirmation page | when on this page the user is then prompted to confirm that they wish to log out and once the user confirms a message will pop up confirming successful log out and then redirected back to the home page. | The user clicks the confirmation button ant they are presented with the successful message and is redirected to the home page. | This was tested using the several test account created and each time the user was successfully logged out of their account.

Adding/Removing Favorites Tests

Manual Testing of Favourites Features | Feature |Desired Outcome |Actual Outcome | Test Done to achieve Actual Outcome |--|--|--|--| |Adding post to favorites | when a user has successfully logged in they are then displayed with icons on each post which if clicked will ad that post to the users list of favorited posts. | When the user clicks this button a message does appear confirming desired post is in fact added to their favorites and the icon has now filled with a solid color to the user. | This was tested using the several test accounts created and each one was successful in adding posts to their favorites. |Filtering favorites posts | Once a user has several posts marked as their favorites they can click the favorites tab within the nav bar and they are then presented with only the posts that they have marked as their favorites. | When the user clicks on the favorites tab within the nav bar they are presented with only the posts that they have marked as their favorites. | This was tested using the different test accounts created and each one was successful in filtering and displaying to the user their selected favorite gems. |Removing posts form favorites | Either through the home page or the favorites page the user would have the ability to remove posts from their list of favorites. |when either the icon on the home page or the icon within the favorites page was clicked by the user a message pop up would show confirming successful removal from favorites. | This was tested using the several test accounts created and each one was successful in removing posts from their list of favorite gems.

Creating/Deleting Gem Test

Maunal Testing of Adding/Deleting Gem | Feature | Desired Outcome | Actual Outcome | Test Done to achieve Actual Outcome | | ------------------------------------------ | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Creating a gem | still to be fixed and tested | still to be fixed and tested | still to be fixed and tested | | Deleting a gem post (when correct user). | If a user no longer wishes to share there gem there is an icon present on the posts that they have shared and once clicked they are brought to a confirmation page for deletion of their post | When the user clicks on the icon within the post then the are redirected to the the confirmation page | This was tested using the several test accounts and when the user clicks on their post for deletion then they were successfully redirected to the confirmation page for deletion. | | Deletion confirmation page | When the user is redirected they are asked if the wish to confirm deletion or return to the home page. If the confirm button is clicked a successful message will appear and the post will be deleted from the database and no longer displayed on the home page. If the cancel button is clicked then the user is simply redirected back to the home page. | When either button is clicked then the desired outcome is achieved. | This test was carried out using the several test accounts created and each time depending on which button was clicked the desired outcome was achieved. | | Deleting a gem post(when not correct user) | When a user is signed in the delete icon is only shown for the posts that they have created, the do not have the ability to deleted any other user posts. | When a user is logged in they are only presented with the option to delete a post for their own posts. | This was tested using the created test accounts and users were unable to access the confirmation page to delete other users posts. A deeper test was carried out by having 2 windows open and signed in as two different users, user "A" and user "B". When User "A" tried to copy and paste the confirmation URL link belonging to user "B" then user A was met with and 400 error with the option to return to the home page. and the same outcome was achieved when user "B" tried the same method with user "A's" confirmation URL link. |

Adding/Edit/Delete Comments

Manual testing of comments feature | Feature | Desired Outcome | Actual Outcome | Test Done to achieve Actual Outcome | | ----------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Adding user comments to posts | when a user clicks on a post they would be able to add their comments on that particular post | When a user is signed in they are able to leave a comment on a post and then it will be displayed for other users to see. | This was tested using the different test account created and each account was successful in leaving comments on posts | | Editing Comments | Once a user had already posted a comment on a post, if the wished they could go back later and edit the comment created | The user can edit their comments and resubmit to the comments section. | This was tested using the different test accounts created and each user was able to edit their own comments. | | Editing other user comments | Users will not be able to edit the comments that other users have made on a post | Users can only edit the comments that they, themselves have created | This was tested using the different test accounts and a help with a friend, when logged in i could not edit their comments and when sent the hyperlink they had when on the edit page i was met with a 400 error. | | Deleting comments | A user should have the abilitiy to delete a comment that they have made, if they no longer wish to display a particular comment | Users can delete their comments if they no longer wish to display them | This was tested using the multiple test accounts created and each account was successful in deleting their comments if needed. | | Deleting other user comments | Users will not be able to delete the comments that other users have made on a post | Users can only delete the comments that they, themselves have created | This was tested using the different test accounts and a help with a friend, when logged in i could not delete their comments and when sent the hyperlink they had when on the edit page i was met with a 400 error. |

Lighhouse Testing

Each page of the project was tested through lighthouse please find the results below.

Base.html ![base.html lighthouse test](
login.html ![login.html lighthouse test](
signup.html ![signup.html lighthouse test](
share_gem.html ![share_gem.html lighthouse test](
gem_details.html ![base.html lighthouse test](

Please note that all these tests were done within incogneto mode as there were chrome extensions installed that were effecting the performance of the site

User Stories Testing

All user stories were tested to confirm that they meet their Acceptance Criteria. The following have all PASSED.

(View the User Stories, Acceptance Criteria and Tasks on the GitHub Kanban Board)


As a user I can sign up and log in to the site to leave comments and add Gems.

As a user I can view a list of the Gems to see titles, pictures.


As a user I can leave a comment on a Gem, to share my experience with other users.

As a user I can read my and other people's comments, to be inspired to visit a place.

As a user I can edit my comments, to correct or add information.

As a user I can delete my comments, to allow me to change my mind.


As a user I can favourite and unfavourite a Gem, to keep a record of places to visit in the future.

As a user I can view a list of my favourite Gems, to easily see which places I plan to visit.


As a user I can easily add a Gem by typing its name, to share my recommendation with other users.


As a site developer I can view a list of all data: places, comments and favourites, so I can moderate content.

As a developer I can create, read, update and delete (CRUD) Gems, to create the initial content for the site, and moderate the Gems added by users.


As a developer I can deploy to a hosting service, so that the site is available to the public.


Creating The Repository

The repository was created using Github. as a student this was done using a template provided by Code Institute. To do this the following steps were taken:

Cloning the Repository

  1. In the " Scottig-Gems-PP4" repository, select the green "code" tab.
  2. Select HTTPS in the dropdown menu.
  3. Copy the URL under HTTPS.
Cloning Repository Using CodeAnywhere ![clone repository 1]( 1. Open the [CodeAnywhere]( 2. Sign in using your Github details. ![codeanywhere sign in]( 3. Click on the create new workspace button. ![create workspace image]( 7. Paste copied HTTPS and click create (Codeanywhere will now generate the virtual IDE). ![create workspace image 2]( 4. Once IDE has Loaded create inital index.html page and add test text. 5. Once test text is added press `Ctrl + S` to save. 6. Click terminal tab at top of screen and click new terminal. 7. Once new terminal has opened test that content is being pushed back to github. 8. In the terminal type `git add .` and press enter (this will add all new content). 9. Then type `git commit -m "add test text"` and press enter (this lets anyone seeing your commits know what you have done). 10. Once you have done that type `git push` and press enter (this will push all changes made to the github repository). 11. Navigate to github. 12. Choose the repository you were working on. 13. Check the changes have been successfully pushed.
Cloning Repository Usining Gitpod 1. Open [GitPod]( 2. Click the signin/ Login button at the top right hand corner of the page. 3. Sign/Login using your GitHub credentials. 4. Click on New Workspace 5. Gitpod works slightly different from Codeanywhere, you can either begin typing the name of your repository and you will see it appear in the dropdown menu or you can simply paste the copied HTTPS in to the field. 6. Click Continue and you Gitpod virtual workspace will be created. 7. Once IDE has Loaded create inital index.html page and add test text. 8. Once test text is added press `Ctrl + S` to save. 9. Click terminal tab at top of screen and click new terminal. 10. Once new terminal has opened test that content is being pushed back to github. 11. In the terminal type `git add .` and press enter (this will add all new content). 12. Then type `git commit -m "add test text"` and press enter (this lets anyone seeing your commits know what you have done). 13. Once you have done that type `git push` and press enter (this will push all changes made to the github repository). 14. Navigate to github. 15. Choose the repository you were working on. 16. Check the changes have been successfully pushed.

Forking The Repository

Fork Image 1

Fork Image 2 ![Fork Image 2]( \*Please note that the images taken were from a friends Github repository who consented to the use of these images for educational purposes.

Setup Google Maps/Places API

To set up the Google Maps API follow the steps outlined in the Google documentation, to:

  1. Create a Google Cloud account
  2. Create a project
  3. Get a Google Maps API key
  4. Enable the Maps API and Places API


Deploying Using Heroku

The Scottish-Gems-PP4 repository was deployed using Heroku.

The following steps were used:

Creating The Django Project & App

The following steps were taken to create the django Project and App:

Django Project - Within the terminal install django using the following command "pip3 install django". - Once installed run the following command to create your project: **django-admin startproject web_project .** - *Note: replace "web_project" with your chosen app name, for this project "gem_places" was used. - *Note: the command used with the use of the "." assumes that this is your created project and automatically creates the following files: - - - - - - When this is done then imput the following command into the terminal python migrate. - When you run the server the first time, it will create a default SQLite database in the file db.sqlite2 that is intended for development purposes. This is the first stage when creating a project using django.
Django App To create the basic temnplate for the django app the following steps were taken. - Within the termianl the follwing command was used "**python startapp appname** - Note* insert what ever you would like to call you app instead of "appname". For this app scottish_gems was used. - When the command is running you app directory is created with some of the followign files inside. - - - - - This is now the basic structure installed and ready for you to begin work within your application/project.
Creating Procfile Heroku web applications requires a Procfile for the application to run successfully and is done so usuing the following steps. 1. Run the following command within your terminal "pip install gunicorn" 2. create Procfile within your directiory. 3. Withing the procfile insert the following "web: gunicorn project_name.wsgi" 4. Push your changes to github. Once you have re-deployed your app on heroku the Procfile will be updated within the reasourses section.
requirements.txt To create the requirements.txt file the following command is inputted into the terminal "pip freeze > requirements.txt" This will create your requirements.txt file with a list of the dependences required.



The original idea for this site was inspired by Magical Gems who created a similar project around the main London Area.

All photos come from the Google Places API.


The following docs and tutorials were consulted.


General Django tutorials:

Django ‘favoriting’ functionality:

Django messages:

Getting data from a Django model into javascript:

Google Maps API/JavaScript

(Official Google)


This is my Fourth project that was created and developed for portfolio as a student of Code Institute currently undertaking their course in Full Stack Software Development.

I would like to thank the following for all of the support throughout the development phase.

Jamie Connell Code Institute Student 2024