Gregwar / mongoose-cpp

C++ binding for Mongoose
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Mongoose-C++ is a fork of the popular mongoose lightweight web server which aims to add C++ bindings and a easy-to-use API.


Hello world

Here is an example, this will serve the static files from www/ directory (which is the default setting) and the /hello page will be answered by a controller which will display the GET name variable, for instance /hello?name=bob will display the string "Hello bob". Default parameter value, if not provided, will be "... waht's your name ?". This is the helloworld program build in the examples:

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <mongoose/Server.h>
#include <mongoose/WebController.h>

using namespace std;
using namespace Mongoose;

class MyController : public WebController
        void hello(Request &request, StreamResponse &response)
            response << "Hello " << htmlEntities(request.get("name", "... what's your name ?")) << endl;

        void setup()
            addRoute("GET", "/hello", MyController, hello);

int main()
    MyController myController;
    Server server(8080);


    while (1) {

Building examples

You can build examples using CMake:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DEXAMPLES=ON ..

This will build you the cpp program with examples of GET, POST (form), session and HTTP response code

You can also enable Json example using the -DHAS_JSONCPP=ON option when cmake'ing, this will build the json executable. You also have to specify the JSONCPP_DIR that is the JsonCpp installation directory.

Websockets are also supported and will be compiled if the -DWEBSOCKET=ON option is set with cmake (which is the default). websocket.cpp will be compiled to the cpp_websocket executable which let you see an example. Note that references to the WebSocket* clients can be keeped to dispatch data to them, which can be really useful to push data to some clients.

To enable url regex matching dispatcher use -DENABLE_REGEX_URL=ON option. Note that this depends on C++11.


The code writing take places in the mongoose/ directory and the whole repository will be merged as often as possible from the original mongoose project.


The mongoose binding (mongoose/ folder) is under MIT license

However, the original mongoose project license is different, have a look to the LICENSE file for more information.