.. image:: http://i.imgur.com/Fnm9Y.png?1 :scale: 50 % :alt: Awesome GridControl Logo :align: right
GridControl is a Free-to-play In-browser Social Massive-Multiplayer-Online Game, where you control your bot using a specialized stack-based language (called gridlang) and your github account. Your bot can roam the grid, gather resources, and attack/avoid other bots. The best code wins!
GridControl Game! GridControl is a originally a project started during
GitHub's Game Off 2012 <https://github.com/github/game-off-2012>
It was not even in an alpha state by the end of the gameoff, but the vision
has continues.
Log in with your github account at the test server <http://gridcontrol.freelancedreams.com/>
Learn how to gridlang <https://github.com/GridControl-Team/GridControl/blob/master/gridlang/README.rst>
Learn how to control your bot <https://github.com/GridControl-Team/GridControl/blob/master/BOTCONTROL.rst>
Add a gist on github <https://gist.github.com>
_ with the file extension .gridlang
Lasers were implemented. They're pretty awesome.
Players with a passion for c-syntax can use .gridc
from gridc <https://github.com/lessandro/gridc>
a c-like language that compiles to gridlang.
To download source and set up environment:
Grab source from git:
$ git clone git@github.com:GridControl-Team/GridControl.git
Make a virtualenv or else
$ mkvirtualenv gridcontrol
Install other requirements:
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Create local settings:
$ cp gridcontrol/settings.py.sample gridcontrol/settings.py
Edit that settings file and add the secrets you need:
$ vim gridcontrol/settings.py
Do djangoy setup
$ python manage.py syncdb
$ python manage.py migrate
The test server can live with python's built-in sqlite for the Django ORM, but the game itself requires redis. So grab redis however you need and run it on the default port.
GridControl: Public facing Django site that users see
GridLang: gridlang language vm and parser code
GridStream: tornado server using socket.io to stream realtime bot status
supervisord method:
$ ./runserver.sh
Supervisord is configured to automatically start the celery and tornado
servers. The django site can be started with either start gridcontrol_gunicorn
for production machines, or start gridcontrol_runserver
for local
Or look inside of the supervisor conf to see the commands to run the separate services.