Grim-es / material-combiner-addon

Blender addon for material combining, uv bounds fixing
MIT License
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Added fallback for atlas path #97

Closed NishaWolfe closed 2 months ago

NishaWolfe commented 2 months ago

Set the current working directory as the fallback for the atlas path if the atlas path is unset

Grim-es commented 2 months ago

Is there a specific reason for this? It can be confusing to know where the atlas has been saved. If you're using it in a script, you can specify the directory path like this: bpy.ops.smc.combiner(directory="PATH")

NishaWolfe commented 2 months ago

I'm sorry! It was just to prevent an error from being thrown when no directory is chosen. My apologies for submitting this in a pull request.