GrindeLab / STEAM

Significance Threshold Estimation for Admixture Mapping, an R package.
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title: STEAM author: Kelsey Grinde date: 2019-08-26 output: md_document: variant: markdown_github

Significance Threshold Estimation for Admixture Mapping

STEAM (Significance Threshold Estimation for Admixture Mapping) is an R package for estimating genome-wide significance thresholds for admixture mapping studies.


If you use STEAM, please cite the following article:

Grinde, K., Brown, L., Reiner, A., Thornton, T., & Browning, S. "Genome-wide significance thresholds for admixture mapping studies." The American Journal of Human Genetics 104 (2019), 454-465.


This package is free to use, under the terms of the MIT License. For more details, see LICENSE and here.

To install STEAM, run the following commands in R:

##install.packages("devtools") # run this line if you have not yet installed the devtools package

Using STEAM to Estimate Significance Thresholds

In Grinde et al. (2019), we propose two approaches for estimating genome-wide significance thresholds for admixture mapping studies:

To run either approach, we first need to:

  1. Create a map file containing, at minimimum, the chromosome number and genetic position (in centimorgans) of each marker being tested.
    • NOTE: If you inferred local ancestry using a program that performs calling within windows (e.g., RFMix), we recommend that you include just a single marker per window in this map file.
  2. Estimate the admixture proportions for each individual and store them in a n-by-K matrix, where n is the number of admixed individuals and K is the number of ancestral populations.
    • There are various ways to calculate these proportions, one of which is to calculate the genome-wide average local ancestry for each individual.
  3. Estimate g, the number of generations since admixture.
    • We recommend that you use STEAM for this step. NOTE: using this approach requires that you calculate the observed correlation of local ancestry at pairs of loci in your data. For more details, see the "Estimating the Number of Generations..." section below.

Example: 2 Ancestral Populations

For an admixture mapping study in an admixed population with two ancestral populations (e.g., African Americans), we can use either approach (analytic approximation or test statistic simulation) to estimate the genome-wide significance threshold for our study. The analytic approximation approach is the faster of the two options.

Step 1: Suppose we have markers spaced every 0.2 cM across 22 chromosomes. We store the information about genetic position and chromosome for each marker in a data frame called example_map:

#>    cM chr
#> 1 0.2   1
#> 2 0.4   1
#> 3 0.6   1
#> 4 0.8   1
#> 5 1.0   1
#> 6 1.2   1

Step 2: Suppose as well that the individuals in our sample have admixture proportions that are uniformly distributed from 0 to 1. We store these proportions in a data frame called example_props:

#>         pop1       pop2
#> 1 0.08882543 0.91117457
#> 2 0.83211719 0.16788281
#> 3 0.90515135 0.09484865
#> 4 0.87833723 0.12166277
#> 5 0.93060775 0.06939225
#> 6 0.60744741 0.39255259

Step 3: We can use STEAM to estimate the number of generations since admixture (g) based on the observed pattern of correlation in local ancestry at pairs of markers across the genome. First, we need to calculate the correlation of local ancestry in our data for each pair of loci and ancestral components. We store this information in a data frame with three columns (theta = recombination fraction between loci, corr = observed local ancestry correlation, anc = indices of ancestral components being compared) called example_corr:

#>   theta      corr anc
#> 1  0.00 0.9937355 1_1
#> 2  0.01 0.9722873 1_1
#> 3  0.02 0.9340007 1_1
#> 4  0.03 0.9316133 1_1
#> 5  0.04 0.8936003 1_1
#> 6  0.05 0.8580320 1_1

Once we have the local ancestry correlation, we run non-linear least squares to estimate the number of generations since admixture:

#>        g 
#> 5.971432

Step 4: Now we are ready to estimate our genome-wide significance threshold. We wish to estimate the p-value threshold which will control the family-wise error rate for this study at the 0.05 level. Since we have two ancestral populations, we can use either the analytic approximation or test statistic simulation approach.

Analytic Approximation

To implement the analytic approximation approach, use the following command:

get_thresh_analytic(g = 6, map = example_map, type = "pval")
#> [1] 1.878339e-05

Test Statistic Simualtion

To implement the test statistic simulation approach, we need to specify the number of replications for the simulation study (nreps). Computation time increases with the number of replications, so for the purposes of this example we choose a small number of reps. In practice, we recommend using a much larger number number of replications (the STEAM default is 10000).

The R command for the test statistic simulation approach looks like this:

set.seed(1) # set seed for reproducibility
get_thresh_simstat(g = 6, map = example_map, props = example_props, nreps = 50)
#> $threshold
#>          95% 
#> 2.692619e-05 
#> $ci
#>         2.5%        97.5% 
#> 7.357901e-05 1.981598e-06

Note that this approach provides both an estimate of the significance threshold and a 95\% bootstrap confidence interval for that threshold.

Example: 3 Ancestral Populations

For an admixture mapping study in an admixed population with three or more ancestral populations (e.g., Hispanics/Latinos), the analytic approximation is no longer applicable. However, we can still use the test statistic simulation approach to estimate the genome-wide significance threshold for our study.

Step 1: Suppose, as in the previous example, we have markers spaced every 0.2 cM across 22 chromosomes. As before, we store the information about genetic position and chromosome for each marker in a data frame called example_map.

Step 2: Now, suppose that the individuals have genetic material contributed from three ancestral populations. We estimate admixture proportions and store them in a data frame called example_props_K3:

#>           X1         X2        X3
#> 1 0.25846023 0.55702151 0.1845183
#> 2 0.38393973 0.47137248 0.1446878
#> 3 0.05335819 0.75017684 0.1964650
#> 4 0.58736485 0.21390984 0.1987253
#> 5 0.46737805 0.36255274 0.1700692
#> 6 0.49133804 0.07424451 0.4344174

Step 3: As in the case of 2 ancestral populations, we can use STEAM to estimate the number of generations since admixture (g) based on the observed pattern of correlation in local ancestry at pairs of markers across the genome. We store the local ancestry correlation in the data frame example_corr_K3 and run the function get_g() on this data frame to estimate g:

# local ancestry correlation data frame
#>   theta      corr anc
#> 1  0.00 0.9937355 1_1
#> 2  0.01 0.9433644 1_1
#> 3  0.02 0.8797805 1_1
#> 4  0.03 0.8553831 1_1
#> 5  0.04 0.7983344 1_1
#> 6  0.05 0.7464160 1_1

# estimate g
#>       g 
#> 9.95628

Step 4: To estimate the p-value threshold which will control the family-wise error rate for this study at the 0.05 level, we run the following command:

set.seed(1) # set seed for reproducibility
get_thresh_simstat(g = 10, map = example_map, props = example_props_K3, nreps = 50)
#> $threshold
#>          95% 
#> 1.392104e-06 
#> $ci
#>         2.5%        97.5% 
#> 9.505305e-06 9.187866e-08

Note that this threshold is more stringent than the threshold we estimated for the admixed population with 2 ancestral populations; this reflects the increased number of hypothesis tests being performed when K = 3, as well as the different distributions of admixture proportions in the two populations.

Important Considerations

Admixture Mapping Model Choice

Our multiple testing correction procedures assume that admixture mapping is being performed using a marginal regression approach, regressing the trait on local ancestry for each marker and each ancestral population one-by-one. Importantly, these regression models should include admixture proportions as covariates. For more details, see Grinde et al. (2019).

Estimating the Number of Generations since Admixture

The theoretical results in Grinde et al. (2019) demonstrate that the number of generations since admixture controls the rate of decay of local ancestry correlation curves in admixed populations. Lemma 1 provides a closed form expression for the expected correlation of local ancestry at a pair of loci, which depends on the recombination fraction between those loci, the distribution of admixture proportions, and the generations since admixture. We use this result to motivate a non-linear least squares procedure to estimate the number of generations since admixture (g) from observed local ancestry correlation. Estimating g from our observed data---rather than relying on estimates from external genetic or historical studies---allows us to appropriately capture the correlation structure in our own data, which is critical for our multiple testing procedures.

To use STEAM to estimate g, we must first calculate the observed correlation of local ancestry at pairs of loci in our data. Calculating this correlation for all possible pairs of loci is not necessary; using a representative, thinned subset of markers will suffice. However, correlation should be calculated for all possible pairs of ancestral components:

Store this local ancestry correlation in a data frame with three columns, as in the following examples:

## 2 ancestral populations ##
#>   theta      corr anc
#> 1  0.00 0.9937355 1_1
#> 2  0.01 0.9722873 1_1
#> 3  0.02 0.9340007 1_1
#> 4  0.03 0.9316133 1_1
#> 5  0.04 0.8936003 1_1
#> 6  0.05 0.8580320 1_1

## 3 ancestral populations ##
#>   theta      corr anc
#> 1  0.00 0.9937355 1_1
#> 2  0.01 0.9433644 1_1
#> 3  0.02 0.8797805 1_1
#> 4  0.03 0.8553831 1_1
#> 5  0.04 0.7983344 1_1
#> 6  0.05 0.7464160 1_1

You are free to calculate this local ancestry correlation however you please. One option (if you are studying an admixed population with 3 ancestral populations) is to use the functions get_corr_chr and combine_corr_chr contained in this package:

  1. Convert local ancestry calls into SeqArray GDS files, with one file per ancestral population and chromosome (i.e., 'chr22_afr.gds' contains local ancestry calls for chromosome 22, where alleles are coded such that 1 = allele inherited from African ancestors, 0 = allele inherited from some other ancestral population)

    • NOTE: if you first convert your local ancestry calls into VCF files, with one file per chromosome and ancestral population, then you can use in the [UW GAC TOPMed analysis pipeline][] to convert to GDS files.
  2. Run get_corr_chr for each chromosome

# set up list to store results
corr.list <- list()

# loop through chromosomes
# NOTE: we recommend that each chromosome be analyzed separately (e.g., on distinct compute nodes) and results saved, then combined later, rather than analyzing all chromosomes in a single R session
for(i in 1:22){
  # set up file names
  afr.gds <- paste0('chr', i, '_afr.gds')
  eur.gds <- paste0('chr', i, '_eur.gds')
  nam.gds <- paste0('chr', i, '_nam.gds')
  # run get_corr_chr
  corr.list[[i]] <- get_corr_chr(chrom = i, map = example_map, 
        pop1.gds = afr.gds, pop2.gds = eur.gds, pop3.gds = nam.gds)
  # print update
  cat('done with chromosome', i, '\n')
  1. Run combine_corr_chr to combine results across all chromosomes and store as a data frame in the desired format
# combine results across chromosomes
corr_K3 <- combine_corr_chr(corr.list)

As mentioned above, this data frame should include three columns, named theta, corr, and anc (column order does not matter, but names do):

Once we have this local ancestry correlation, we use non-linear least squares to estimate the value of g that provides the best fit to the equation $\text{Corr} = a + b \times (1-\theta)^g$:

## 2 ancestral populations ##
#>        g 
#> 5.971432

## 3 ancestral populations ##
#>       g 
#> 9.95628

Note: in these examples, we simulated local ancestry correlation for admixed populations with g = 6 (2 ancestral populations) and g = 10 (3 ancestral populations). In both cases, the estimated g turns out very close to the truth: 5.97 and 9.96, respectively.


Contact Kelsey Grinde: kgrinde-at-macalester-dot-edu