Grish44 / q2jump-global-integration

Quake 2 Jump mod enhanced to support scores/times from multiple remote servers
4 stars 2 forks source link

Quake II Jump Mod

What it is

Jump mod isolates the unique movement from Quake II, like strafe and double jumping, and turns it into a competition. The goal is to get the fastest time from when you spawn, until when you reach the railgun at the end of the map. In between the spawn and the railgun is a number of obstacles that you have to get over as quickly as possible.


The code will only compile for Linux OS (x86_64 and arm64 architectures tested) by using the provided makefile. Send us/me (Grish) a question on the q2jump discord if you can't get it to work.

Global Integration

Global Integration is an enhancement to the standard Quake 2 jump mod. It allows the jump server to gather, merge, sort and display jump mod scores from multiple servers, such as .german, MZC, KEX, AUS, NOR etc.

It also provides the top 15 demo/replays in addition to the regular local top 15 replays.

The global scoreboard looks like this:


Client Commands


  • show/hide toggle between the local and the global scoreboards replay g|global [1..15]
  • playback the requested remote demo race g|global [1..15]
  • race against a remote time maptimes global
  • prints the top 30 global times for current map (Note: known issue in v1.36global: not always accurate due to only using top 15 times per remote server. Fix pending) syncglobaldata (requires admin lvl 5+)
  • full re-fetch and processing of the files/data from each configured remote server NOTE: This command can be ran if needed, but best to run very scarcely and not while someone is timing (due to potential frame blocking). It can be useful on occasion when the global board appears to be missing a record/name or after enabling the "global_integration_enabled" setting. poppins
  • try it and see ;) (hint: also try with admin lvl5+)

Configuring multiple remote servers

You can update the following variables two different ways

1) update them in-game via the "gset" admin command (requires admin lvl 5+) 2) update them manually in the jump/jump_mod.cfg file (requires server restart)

global_integration_enabled [0/1]

  • set to 0 to disable all global integration features immediately (default: 0, example: 1) global_ents_sync [0/1]
  • will download "jump/mapsent" and "jump/ent" files for respective map on each map spawn. Note: this will replace any local mapsent/ent files, best left at "0" for established servers! [default: 0, example: 1] global_ents_url [string/url]
  • base url to the server hosting the "jump/mapsent" and "jump/ent" directories/files (no trailing slash, default: "", example: "") global_localhost_name [string]
  • custom display name for your local server (default: $hostname cvar, example: "kex") global_replay_max [0..15]
  • limit the amount of global replays to download/provide (default: 3 max: 15) global_threads_max [2..15]
  • faster downloads with more threads (default: 5 max: 15) globalport[1..5] [1024..65535]
  • jump/{portdir} where the remote maptimes.t and users.t files are stored (default: 27910) globalname[1..5] [string]
  • label for remote server name (default: "default", example: "mzc") Note: leave as "default" for any unconfigured global hosts globalurl[1..5] [string/url]
  • base url to remote jump dir for jump/{portdir} and jump/jumpdemo access (no trailing slash, default: "", example: "")


Name Credit
Wireplay Programmers SadButTrue, ManicMiner, wootwoot, LilRedtheJumper
German Programmers ace, draxi, slippery, Mako
Various Additions Fish, quadz, maq, SumFuka, Killerbee, Doyoon Kim, Hannibal, DeathJump, Grish
Global Integration Grish