GroceriStar / shoplist-blocks-component

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This is a separated module, related with shoplist-template repository Main goal is to separate development process and have a separated place, where we can develop the logic of default components and then use them into our project

Our first goal to create a flexible set of components, that will became a shopping list page, that will display our grocery list data.


Some of the details about components that we'll have here are described at this task:

Showcase is a project where we trying to incorporate two major tasks:

  1. show to a new users a collection of grocery lists - before they sign up - they want to explore the data that we have
  2. figure out the way about making GL downloable by generating a simple PDF file

While we're coding it - we also extending the code base of GS, by testing fetch plugin, by moving away basic components, like lists, grocerylist component, etc...

Major goals for this project are -

Stretch goals: